slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

instalacje v angličtině:

1. installation art

Angličtina slovo „instalacje„(installation art) se zobrazí v sadách:

Nie rozumiem - 28.02 - 20 SŁÓWEK
Module 1 (całość)

2. installation

Your computer will restart several times during installation.
Her current project is an installation for the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham

Angličtina slovo „instalacje„(installation) se zobrazí v sadách:

Słówka (19/26.04.2020)

3. rig

That's not the only way you can rig your data.
The ​station had rigged ​gasoline ​prices. Safety ​precautions on ​oil rigs are ​designed to ​cope with ​fires and small-scale ​explosions.
The vote was rigged.
It is too dangerous to rig the oars as a drag if you must sleep.
You shouldn't judge him by his rig
I have to sell my rig. I'm too old for this kinda job.

Angličtina slovo „instalacje„(rig) se zobrazí v sadách:

Technical English4


We really need new bathroom fittings.
Images of fixtures and fittings such as lights, mouldings and door handles. The ​house ​price, ​including ​fixtures and fittings, is £200,000.

5. instance

single instances of fainting
On his tour of Italy, he visited several cities which are famous for their scenic beauty, for instance, Naples and Florence.
In this instance we are provided with an exact account of the conversation between the two poets.
For instance, gauges, such as thermometers and barometers, are instruments.
From our human experience and history, at least as far as I am informed, I know that everything essential and great has only emerged when human beings had a home and were rooted in a tradition. Today’s literature is, for instance, largely destructive.
Japan is full of beautiful cities. Kyoto and Nara, for instance.
The average Westerner, in his sleek complacency, will see in the tea ceremony but another instance of the thousand and one oddities which constitute the quaintness and childishness of the East to him.
A base service performed for a person of very high degree may become a very honorific office; as for instance the office of a Maid of Honor or of a Lady in Waiting to the Queen, or the King's Master of the Horse or his Keeper of the Hounds.
We have many things in common: hobbies, educational backgrounds, for instance.
In spite of those rules, the FAA has documented dozens of near misses from people who violate regulations, and any of those instances could have potentially caused serious damage to an airplane and endangered lived.
In the 18 states that have closed the background check loophole, there've been half as many instances of gun violence.
1. There have already been several instances of deadly violence in the past few weeks involving returning refugees. I don't usually side with the management, but in this instance I agree with what they're saying.
For instance, if you want a selection list of requisition ID's, you would create a SQL query to get the list of requisition ID's.
There have been several instances of ​violence at the ​school.
For instance, in my father's business the timing of sales and purchases was very important, and he would sometimes write or say to his colleagues "There is a tide," without going into detail.

6. installation system

Angličtina slovo „instalacje„(installation system) se zobrazí v sadách:

ang zawodowy

7. plant

Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.
Plant these seeds before summer sets in.
[plɑːnt] plant
It was announced that there is a high possibility of the fuel within the nuclear reactor of Nuclear Plant 1 melting.
TEPCO is looking for "jumpers", workers who will jump into highly radioactive sections of the plant to quickly perform tasks before running out as fast as possible.
In order to make us and everyone else remember this day, I ask everyone to plant a tree with us.
Soon after graduating from trade school, Ray Murphy was taken on as a machinist at the local automobile plant.
At night, I put my bell pepper plants at the open window, so they can harden off a bit before I plant them outside, cause now they still have such thin stems.
Plant growth and productivity react sharply to a complex combination of temperature and moisture.
At the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, all the reactors stopped just after the quake.
Not until the end of the nineteenth century, did plant breeding become a scientific discipline.
The Bhopal Gas Tragedy, which occurred on the night of December 2, 1984 at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, is the world's worst industrial catastrophe.
To this extent, it has the characteristics of a great complicated balance between plant life and lower forms of animal life.
a plant is a living thing such as a tree or bush that grows out of the ground. If you plant something in the ground, you put seeds or a young plant in the earth so that a plant will grow.

Angličtina slovo „instalacje„(plant) se zobrazí v sadách:

Corporate strategy and structure