slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

ledwo wiązać koniec z końcem v angličtině:

1. find it hard to make ends meet find it hard to make ends meet

Angličtina slovo „ledwo wiązać koniec z końcem„(find it hard to make ends meet) se zobrazí v sadách:

Unit 4 Shopping around pt.2
Shopping and services (WB)
focus 4 unit 4
Angielski unit 4 focus
4.4 Reading 1

2. make ends meet make ends meet

Although Merry and John are poor, they make ends meet
Although the Millers are poor, they make ends meet.
I don’t know how you make ends meet on such a low salary.
Many students are finding it difficult to make ends meet.
It is difficult for him to make ends meet.
He barely made ends meet. When I was young, my parents really had to struggle to make ends meet
When Mike lost his job, we could barely make ends meet.
It's sometimes hard to make ends meet.
to struggle to make ends meet
She finds London very expensive. She says she can't make ends meet on less than £100 a week.
They can hardly make ends meet
I think I’ll need a part-time job. You already work! But I can’t make ends meet.
Jason worked three jobs just to make ends meet.
You have to prioritize what you spend money on when you can't make ends meet.

3. find it hard to make end meets find it hard to make end meets

Angličtina slovo „ledwo wiązać koniec z końcem„(find it hard to make end meets) se zobrazí v sadách:

słówka 4.4-4.8