slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

nie do obrony v angličtině:

1. untenable untenable

refusal to negotiate a date for an independence referendum is untenable
1 : not able to be defended - an untenable position 2 : not able to be occupied - untenable apartments
If she decided against relocation, her DRO would promptly drop her, since by deciding to live in close proximity with a rogue man, she was exposing herself to an untenable amount of danger (and so the DRO to a high risk for financial loss!).

Angličtina slovo „nie do obrony„(untenable) se zobrazí v sadách:

Huawei and the world economy. Trade without trust
1 test, 8.11.18 r.
Słownictwo z artykułów
as good as dead

2. indefensible indefensible

I think his sarcastic comments are completely indefensible.
The war is morally indefensible. His opinions/attitudes are completely indefensible.

Angličtina slovo „nie do obrony„(indefensible) se zobrazí v sadách:

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