slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

nie wolno v angličtině:

1. mustn't mustn't

We mustn't waste our energy resources.
you mustn't
You mustn't be late, OK? "But if the teacher's late too it doesn't count, right?"
Whatever he asks you, you mustn't answer.
You mustn't be late for check-in, because you will not be able to board a plane, unless you have checked in on-line.
You mustn't despise him because he didn't win a prize.
No, you mustn't because I am not on good terms with her now.
You mustn't answer your mother back when she scolds you.
You mustn't forget to come and see me tomorrow morning.
You mustn't let the other person notice that you flinched.
I mustn't eat lolypoops (nie mogę)
It's my dad's birthday tomorrow. I mustn't forget to call him.
You may smoke in that room, but you mustn't smoke in this room.
You mustn't spare your efforts so that you can realize your dream in the future.
You mustn't be nervous about tomorrow's exam.

Angličtina slovo „nie wolno„(mustn't) se zobrazí v sadách:

9.7 holiday advice on travelling abroad
Egzamin gimnazjalny słówka do ćw. 7 i 9
Angielski - podstawowe zwroty i wyrażenia cz. II
arkusz próbny 2021 ten pierwszy
Fiszki z książki - "The Messenger" (Elizabeth Robins)

2. not allowed to not allowed to

Angličtina slovo „nie wolno„(not allowed to) se zobrazí v sadách:

January 2019

3. must not must not

you must not smok So much

Angličtina slovo „nie wolno„(must not) se zobrazí v sadách:

Czasowniki modalne

4. not be allowed to not be allowed to

Angličtina slovo „nie wolno„(not be allowed to) se zobrazí v sadách:

słówka na piątek do Moniki

5. you mustn't you mustn't

I'm sorry. you mustn't park here.

Angličtina slovo „nie wolno„(you mustn't) se zobrazí v sadách:

unit 1 in your classroom
E Dla Początkujących Zwroty Konwersacyjne A1-B1
Słówka - lekarz