slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

niedozwolony v angličtině:

1. piggybacking

Angličtina slovo „niedozwolony„(piggybacking) se zobrazí v sadách:

7. Hackers and viruses. 8. Identity theft. 9. Prev...

2. foul

He uses foul language whenever he gets angry.
We must get rid of this foul garbage right away.
The police found no signs of foul play in the apartment.
He called the ball foul.
There's a foul smell in the kitchen.
No love is foul nor prison fair.
They should never play foul.
You have foul breath.
It's foul of you to have concealed it.
The air in this room is foul.
I just opened the lid, and a foul smell filled my nose.
The peacock has fair feathers but foul feet.

3. illicit

illicit drugs such as cocaine and cannabis, an illicit love affair
China generates illicit competition to whole internet social-medias.
This alcohol is illicit here!
Young children will memorize illicit inventory long before they can grasp its sentece.

4. not permitted

5. undersexed

Angličtina slovo „niedozwolony„(undersexed) se zobrazí v sadách:

Fiszki z książki - "Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 2, Ap...

6. abusive

I had never received such an abusive letter before.
an abusive letter/phone call
He started receiving abusive text messages.
I thought one time he was getting abusive to my mother
They used abusive language to her.
He was apparently abusive to the flight attendants.
She has an abusive husband.
Slanderous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, lewd, pornographic, violent, abusive, insulting, threatening and harassing comments are not tolerated.

Angličtina slovo „niedozwolony„(abusive) se zobrazí v sadách:

angielski choroby

7. illegal

Steel traps are illegal.
The serious job shortage is also affecting those illegal foreign workers.
Politicians in Japan sometimes get away with doing illegal things.
Mistreated illegal foreign workers often fall between the cracks of the social system.
A warehouse full of illegal fireworks blew up and destroyed a whole city block.
The U.S. would be nothing without its immigrants, legal and illegal.
Now that people can steal passwords, illegal impersonation is becoming a serious problem.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious.
Child pornography is illegal in most countries, but Saeb wants me to make up sentences about it.
Age discrimination is illegal and retirement is mandatory in only a few occupations.
Murdering elephants, tigers and other endangered species is not just cruel; it's also illegal.
/ɪˈliː.ɡəl/ a ​campaign to ​stop the illegal ​sale of ​cigarettes to ​children under 16 Prostitution is illegal in some ​countries. It is illegal to ​drive a ​car that is not ​registered and ​insured.
The search for "river" returns a warning that the search is illegal on Chinese Internet these days.
Prostitution, gambling, the use of narcotic substances, drunkenness, disorder, and all other illegal activities are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
The US judicial system and press are incredible: One day you're a poor examplary housewife, victim of a rape, the next, you're an illegal immigrant, having committed perjury and being suspected of whitewashing drug money.

8. not allowed

he is not allowed to see her

9. be not allowed

10. illegitimate

he was an illegitimate child
The rebels regard the official parliament as illegitimate.
For a start, he was the illegitimate son of an unmarried mother.

11. forbidden

forbidden fruit
Painters and sculptors under the Nazis often depicted the nude, but they were forbidden to show any bodily imperfections.
In many countries, buying or smoking cannabis is forbidden by law.
A book which, above all others in the world, should be forbidden, is a catalogue of forbidden books.
Killing is forbidden; every murderer is punished, unless he has killed accompanied by many men and to the sound of trumpets.
In the Ming Dynasty (early 15th century) the centre of Beijing was the Forbidden City.
Prostitution, gambling, the use of narcotic substances, drunkenness, disorder, and all other illegal activities are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
That's why: what's allowed is allowed, what's forbidden is forbidden, what's impossible is impossible, and what's possible is that which is allowed.
if the truth has been forbidden then we're breaking all the rules
I have the ability to draw out peple's forbidden desires.
Before the change of rules, it had been forbidden to go to that part of the library without a permit.
both tagging and advertising should be forbidden
Excuse me, you mustn't sit on the grass. It's forbidden.
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.

Angličtina slovo „niedozwolony„(forbidden) se zobrazí v sadách:

pora na nauke

12. prohibited

Swimming is prohibited here.
Poor health prohibited him from traveling.
Children are prohibited from smoking.
An accident prohibited his attending the ceremony.
The importation of rare wild animals to this country is strictly prohibited.
Reproduction or appropriation of HTML, images and photographs from within this site is prohibited.
Recently, more and more countries have prohibited smoking.
Professor Kibishii prohibited pupils from buying that kind of book.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Religious education is prohibited at a public school.
Eating or drinking in the workplace is prohibited.
He was sentenced for selling prohibited items.
Cars are prohibited in the centre of Berlin.
This penknife is a prohibited item.
In France, advertising of mobile phones directed at children 12 and under is prohibited.