slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

oddawać v angličtině:

1. hand in hand in

I've decided to hand in my resignation
When i hand in my papers at the endof an exam i feel relieved that it's over.
He hand in his homework to his teacher.
‘Please hand in your homework tomorrow,’ said the teacher.
Can you hand in your homework, please?
When James was at university he always used to hand in his essays on time.
Please finish writing and hand in the poems.
if you hand in something such as your homework, you give it to your teacher. If you hand in your resignation or your notice, you tell your employer that you are going to leave your job
[Please hand in your keys when you leave the hotel. // All essays must be handed in by Tuesday.]
All students had to hand in their essays by Friday.
When will you hand in your assignment?
hand in an essay
We should hand in our essays by Friday

Angličtina slovo „oddawać„(hand in) se zobrazí v sadách:

lifelong learning, school life
Oxford repetytorium maturzysty dział 3 - edukacja
Phrasal verbs related to studying
oxford rep maturzysty unit 3
3 dział- angielski praca

2. give back give back

When can you give back that book you borrowed?
Please give back my book!
The company had to give back all the money customers had paid.

Angličtina slovo „oddawać„(give back) se zobrazí v sadách:

fall, get, give, go, hold, keep, let
lekcja 7 czasowniki frazowe
Angielski tydzień 10, 11
słówka 17, unit 6.2
File 3_opposite verbs

3. take back take back

You'd better take back that remark.
I think I'll take back these jeans I bought. They're too small.
I admit that I was wrong about Helen. I take back everything I said about her.
I admit that I was wrong about Ann. I take back everything I said about her.
Adam took his new trousers back as he discovered a flaw on them. / I admit that I was wrong about Helen. I take back everything I said about her.
I wanted to take back the jumper, but I didn’t have the receipt.
I think I’ll take back these jeans I bought. They’re too small.
You can't take back what you said, I know
I take back what I said.
I made him take back what he said about my taste in music.
You'd better take back what you said about her or you'll regret it.
You’d better take back what you said about her or you’ll regret it.

Angličtina slovo „oddawać„(take back) se zobrazí v sadách:

Zakupy i Usługi
angielski 1-4 unit
Zakupy i usługi

4. give

Cows give milk.
Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking.
This condo is getting old. Why don't we redecorate to give it a fresh feel?
I'd like to know when you plan to give me back the scissors I lent you.
It is sad that so few people give money to help the hungry.
Stop beating around the bush and give it to me straight!
Is it true that you recover from colds when you give them to someone else?
If you agree to buy 3,000 of them, we'll give you a 3 percent discount.
It's out of stock, but I can give you a rain check.
I get really bad performance anxiety before I give a speech.
If I were prime minister, I'd give Clinton a good talking to.
It seems that Tom had planned to give Mary the loan she had been looking for.
Give water to the thirsty and food to the hungry.
They always give their attention to environmental problems.
Human beings seem to find it difficult to give up their old habits.

5. to return

I'd like to return this skirt.
I would like to return this shirt. I tried it on at home and it is too small.

Angličtina slovo „oddawać„(to return) se zobrazí v sadách:

030 2018-10-02

6. give off

The cheese has begun to give off a strange smell.
Some of the others had real torches, so they never noticed that his one didn't give off any light
Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

Angličtina slovo „oddawać„(give off) se zobrazí v sadách:

dzial 7 kartka slowka