slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

opinia o marce v angličtině:

1. publicity publicity

Apple has a very good publicity.
Good publicity can help enhance your company's image.
The governor has received a great deal of adverse publicity as a result of the scandal / The funds for our publicity campaign are finite, so we have to use the money well
That's just a cheap publicity stunt.
This article will be a great publicity for us.
This event was good publicity for the company.
You're going to get much publicity with this book.
The news brought her a lot of publicity.
The last thing he will want is publicity.
. I can't afford bad publicity.
gain publicity, to get bad/good publicity
they are forced to pay for their own publicity.
Michael Jackson enjoyed publicity.
The famous singer’s wedding has attracted a tremendous amount of publicity. It’s in all the papers!

Angličtina slovo „opinia o marce„(publicity) se zobrazí v sadách:

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