slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

podrzut sztangi nad głowę v angličtině:

1. jerk jerk

Lucy jerked awake from a nightmare.
She dumped him because she thought he was a jerk.
The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt.
He's such a jerk! He told us we were the worst class he's ever taught.
Ern jerked the steering wheel so hard that a whole farmhouse had to jump aside to avoid the bus.
Tell him I'm not home. I don't wanna talk to that jerk.
What a bunch of incompetent jerks.
... to have someone else jerk the strings that tie...
He's such a shameless jerk.
He's completely convinced of his own greatness but to the people around him he's just a selfish jerk.
Suppose there's some jerk you just can't get on with.
You're a jerk.
Get lost, stupid jerk!
The jerk factory called. They want their product back.