slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

polegający na v angličtině:

1. based on

Lately I have seen an absorbing production based on Arthur Miller’s social drama “Death of a Salesman”.
You guys are ruling women out based on their breast size?
The film is based on an Indian legend.
The scenes are based on a real-life event.
This film is based on a popular novel.
This film is based on a true story.
This film is based on a book.
This film is based on real-life events.
The results of the report are based on the answers from our questionnaire.
We want a reduction in the actual impact, based on a scientific risk evaluation.
It is based on the novel of the same name.
This idea is based on our experiences.
The film is based on a popular novel by Kathryn Stockett.
I like the movie based on that comic book
this movie is based on a book

Angličtina slovo „polegający na„(based on) se zobrazí v sadách:

jan paweł 2 to zrobil

2. reliant on

The project is heavily reliant on volunteers
You will become completely reliant on your car when you move out of the city.

Angličtina slovo „polegający na„(reliant on) se zobrazí v sadách:

Common verbs, adjectives and nouns with the prepos...

3. rely on

rely on
I can rely on you.
We have to rely on ourselves and the community around us (The Redbreast)
I remember how you couldn’t rely on Scottish weather.
When I have a lot of work to do, I can rely on my son.
We can't rely on Sam for everything
We rely on the banks to safeguard our accounts from fraud
She knew she could rely on her husband.
I trust sam, you can rely on him
You can rely on Jill. She always keeps her promises.
I know I can rely on you to help me.
It's good to have a friend that you can always rely on.
You can rely on Toby to do the work well.
to rely on [or upon] sb/sth
You can’t deny you couldn’t rely on me in difficult situations!

Angličtina slovo „polegający na„(rely on) se zobrazí v sadách:

słówka korki zaległe