slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

również nie v angličtině:

1. either either

I don't, either.
A black panther can be a jaguar or leopard, but in either case it has a gene that causes it to produce more melanin than other specimens.
It is a toss-up whether to drink sake or whiskey; too much of either results equally in drunken revelry.
In either case, the division is real and useful; but it can also be misleading.
It is a great mortification to the vanity of man, that his utmost art and industry can never equal the meanest of nature's productions, either for beauty or value.
Is this kid autistic or does he have ADHD? His behavior is hard to characterize either way.
He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.
Everybody in that company is either a vice-president or a senior vice-president; they're all chiefs and no Indians.
No, no! That isn't the smiling face we are looking for. It was a 'smirk' either that or a 'sneer'.
With such a vivid imagination he'll become either a world-famous novelist or a lunatic.
With a high, closed collar, figure-hugging cut, and large slits at either side of a straight skirt, the qipao is unique in its ability to communicate both modesty and sensuousness.
Depending on which side it’s inserted, it will either point towards the back, detecting the ear, or point towards the front.
As a member of the society they have ample reason not to say no. But they have equally compelling reasons not to say yes, either

Angličtina slovo „również nie„(either) se zobrazí v sadách:

New Matura Success 1-2

2. nor nor

Nor can I.
Let us consider the gravity of this day, for today inside the hospitable walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the French are not meeting the English, nor are Russians meeting Poles, but people are meeting people.
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
In the carriage sat a gentleman, not attractive, but also not unattractive, not too fat nor too thin; one could not call him old, but he also was not too young.
The emotion they gave me was exquisite, but I could not preserve it, nor could I indefinitely repeat it; the most beautiful things in the world finished by boring me.
The Bible, as a revelation from God, was not designed to give us all the information we might desire, nor to solve all the questions about which the human soul is perplexed, but to impart enough to be a safe guide to the haven of eternal rest.
The traditional way of learning a language may satisfy at most one's sense of duty, but it can hardly serve as a source of joy. Nor will it likely be successful.
To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it— but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
The Koran, far from being inimitable, is a literary work of inferior quality, as it is neither clear, nor understandable, nor does it possess any practical value and is certainly not a revealed book.

Angličtina slovo „również nie„(nor) se zobrazí v sadách:

1 lesson - C1 coursebook