slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

radzić sobie z tym v angličtině:

1. deal with deal with

problems to deal with
All of us deal with our nerves in daily life.
In this part, I will deal with the most frequent difficulties in obtaining a permit.
I deal with recruitment.
Who is the most difficult person you have to deal with?
if you overcome a problem or a feeling, you successfully deal with it
You've no idea how many problems I have to deal with as a mayor.
Plumber deal with damage.
The judge deals with many different types of criminals. Why do you have to deal with it?
I asked my assistant if there was anything else we had to deal with.
This is the only way Greece can deal with crises.
Sometimes you will have to deal with clients who are a bit irritated.
We need to deal with environmental problems like pollution.
we have to learn to deal with this situation successfully
Now we’re under pressure at work but we need to deal with that

Angličtina slovo „radzić sobie z tym„(deal with) se zobrazí v sadách:

Załącznik II

2. manage it

Angličtina slovo „radzić sobie z tym„(manage it) se zobrazí v sadách:

A107, 10.11.2015

3. to handle this

Angličtina slovo „radzić sobie z tym„(to handle this) se zobrazí v sadách:

2016.05.07 Różne

4. handle it

Don't worry, I can handle it.

Angličtina slovo „radzić sobie z tym„(handle it) se zobrazí v sadách:

Dysfunctional Family

5. handling it

Angličtina slovo „radzić sobie z tym„(handling it) se zobrazí v sadách:

Słówka z Google Translator

6. cope

She can't cope with stress.
... Aaah, just how am I supposed to cope with this I wonder?
At present we have various difficulties to cope with.
Mummy, who's terrified of mice, had two fears to cope with.
Learning lessons from Europe, Japan has to switch its economic-oriented policy to a consumer-conscious one, in order to cope with the coming unprecedented aging society towards the 21st century.
Maths. Homework's about derivatives, but I really can't seem to cope with it.
For some reason, I don't cope well with those recognized as hardliners.
It is only through knowledge that we, as a nation, can cope with the dangers that threaten our society.
if you cope, you manage to do what you have to do. If you can’t cope, you find it too difficult to do everything that you need to do
I guess that rveryone will cope
I'll never know how people who have twins cope.
The task is simply too difficult and they cannot cope. / It's quite difficult but I know you can cope with it / I didn't know how to cope with my mother's death
After my Dad died, I wasn't sure how I was going to cope.
Sometimes I find it hard to cope.
Crying helps her to cope with the unhappiness that her memory can cause.

Angličtina slovo „radzić sobie z tym„(cope) se zobrazí v sadách:

angielski 8a i b