slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

schodzić v angličtině:

1. descend descend

I didn't expect his behavior to descend to such a disagreeable level.
The discussion descended into chaos.
He is descended from an old family.
An example of descend is when a plane starts to move down or descend before landing. An example of descend is when a hill goes in a downward direction.
We descended in the lift to the floor below where the new gym had been opened.
I descend downstairs.
He descended the cliff with the help of a rope.
Let's descend the slope.
Than the spacecraft began to descending and the light came on.
The path continues for some way before descending to Garsdale Head.
The plane started to descend in order to prepare for landing.
Our plane descended its flight and we could see the airport.
It can fly for nearly an hour and a half before it must descend for recharging

Angličtina slovo „schodzić„(descend) se zobrazí v sadách:

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2. get down

get down at once!
Liv, you need to get down here now.

Angličtina slovo „schodzić„(get down) se zobrazí v sadách:

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3. step down

After the protest the mayor decided to step down
The vice president decided to step down from his position after financial fraud scandal he was apparently involved in.
The CEO decided to step down following the release of poor profit figures.
After the protest, the major decided to step down.

Angličtina slovo „schodzić„(step down) se zobrazí v sadách:

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4. walk down

He will walk down in a minute.

Angličtina slovo „schodzić„(walk down) se zobrazí v sadách:

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phrasal verbs
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5. climb down

The council had to climb down over proposed parking charges.
It wasn't easy to climb down.

6. go down

Angličtina slovo „schodzić„(go down) se zobrazí v sadách:

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To come & go
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7. come out of something

Angličtina slovo „schodzić„(come out of something) se zobrazí v sadách:

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8. walking down

Angličtina slovo „schodzić„(walking down) se zobrazí v sadách:

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9. come down

Computer prices have really come down recently.
This shelf is overloaded! It may come down any minute!
The unemployment rate in Poland doesn't seem likely to come down in the near future.
We can´t meet you for dinner —Michael has come down with a terrible case of flu!