slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

sprawować v angličtině:

1. serve

In order to serve you better, your call may be monitored.
I wish shop assistants would serve me when I’m waiting rather than carrying on a conversation with their friends.
serve clients
This is a difficult responsibility to embrace. For human history has often been a record of nations and tribes subjugating one another to serve their own interests. Yet in this new age, such attitudes are self-defeating.
The villagers serve their own needs by taking turns driving the bus.
The traditional way of learning a language may satisfy at most one's sense of duty, but it can hardly serve as a source of joy. Nor will it likely be successful.
My brother wanted to join the army but because of a heart condition he was judged unfit to serve.
The curry they serve in Japan is milder than real Indian curry. They adapt it to Japanese tastes.
We would like to eat. Could you serve us expressly? We need to be on our way before half past one.
Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.
Will you serve me breakfast to bed, because of my broken leg it is hard to get up.
He served four years in prison for robbery. After he'd served his apprenticeship he set up his own business.
Are you being served? Breakfast is served from 7 am to 10 am. (Śniadanie podajemy od 7 do 10 rano.) Do you serve crabs? (Czy serwujecie kraby?)
are you being served? My name is Jake and I will be serving you tonight.

2. hold the position

Angličtina slovo „sprawować„(hold the position) se zobrazí v sadách:

ILEC - Lesson 3

3. to exercise

In order to lose weight, you need to exercise.
In order to lose weight, you need to exercise and keep diet.

4. hold

Hold it!
When my father went into the hospital, I had to put everything on hold.
Furthermore, even after the company information session, we sometimes hold company tours.
Businesses often have a list of 5-10 'mission statements' featured in their brochures, on their websites or hanging in their office detailing the values they hold as a form of communication to their employees, their clients and the public.
When suddenly faced with a dangerous situation, hold your horses - make sure of the proper action, then act.
Hold it, are you kidding me? Why'd we wanna go to such a remote location?
I will listen to your chest. Breathe deeply, please. Now hold your breath.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
The success of newly-developed applications and government-forced deregulation may hold the key to achieving this economic implementation.
The working group on data transfer, led by Ben Manny, will hold a meeting on Jan 14, 1999.
I always use the steps,'s scary how they I'd like you to hold them steady.
Mmmmn ... maybe I'll have a hair of the dog. "Whoa, hold up a mo! Here, I cooked roast fish for this morning. You ought to be able to eat this OK."
First hold crime-prevention firmly in mind! Before going out, lock the doors!
She tried to stifle a sneeze during the concert but she couldn't hold it back.
Some Shanghainese hold large banquets when they get married.

Angličtina slovo „sprawować„(hold) se zobrazí v sadách:

What Can the Bibel teach us

5. exert

Don't exert yourself.
Exert basically means to put forth effort to do something. For example, when you exert yourself in a workout, you can really feel the burn in your muscles.
The 20th Century Fox sequel’s producers had been exerting pressure to have 40 year old Harris perform that day’s stunt / And I- I want him to use- to use it less, but I don't seem to be able to exert any influence over him whatsoever.
The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain.
Because of this informal policing—not to mention stronger controls an administrator can exert, such as banning certain IP addresses from modifying a file—wiki abuse is relatively infrequent; it’s not worth the time and effort to damage something that
this energy, according to Einstein, exerts a push on the universe.
We must exert greater pressure with regard to the agencies.
In calm wind conditions, the atmosphere exerts equal pressure on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing.
renewables exert over the electric systems
You're going to exert a lot of energy when you climb that mountain tomorrow.
A swimmer exerts energy.
The girl did not cause the force to be exerted.
If you were to exert ​your ​influence they might ​change ​their ​decision.
He exerts the influenceon local politics.
The widespread application of administrative guidance is considered to be a uniquely Japanese practice in which bureaucrats exert authority, without any legal backing, telling the private sector what to do and what not to do.