1. bitter
bitter cholocate
Bitter medicine will not necessarily do you good.
I suffered through all sours but didn't find bitter than needing people.
Oh, mother, said the housewife, breaking into bitter tears.
His bitter words still rankle in my mind.
The position held by the enemy is so important they will fight to the bitter end to hold it.
Years of resistance to misfortune ended when the settlers' village was overcome by the savages and their hopes and lives came to the bitter end.
So, well, it's a bitter decision for the student council to make as well. Give 'em a break.
This was a painful experience and Mohandas felt angry and bitter with himself, as well as with British officer
Bolivian authorities accused the president of a mining federation and two of his top officials of the killing of deputy interior minister Rodolfo Illanes amid a bitter strike
As the fruit ripens, the flesh (rind) becomes tougher, more bitter, and too
We sometimes bitterly regret that we said something/ we bought something that broke quickly.
Anyone who really wishes to apply themselves to the freedom of mankind must have the courage to face the truth, regardless how bitter it may be.
2. sweet
Sweet dreams!
A brewery we finance has made a new sweet sake and brought some to us asking us to try it.
A boy is taking his sweet time pushing the cart toward the curb.
Parsnips, squash, carrots, peas and sweet potatoes are considered starchy vegetables.
Their sweet melody made young people feel free.
If you say "I was tricked," well that's certainly so but there's no mistaking that you were the one who signed up on a "sweet deal".
I find it amazing that in the Slavic languages the word “sweet” originally meant “salty”!
Young people are in a condition like permanent intoxication, because youth is sweet and they are growing.
The tea’s very sweet. You’ve put too much sugar in it!
Sweet component of licorice root is about 30 times sweeter than sucrose.
You must love the crust of the earth on which you dwell more than the sweet crust of any bread or cake; you must be able to extract nutriment out of a sand heap.
The impression that many German wines are sweet, and don't go well with food, is widespread.
Who are you calling sweet-n-sour?! At the very least I certainly don't remember being sweet!
Sweet scents are borne on soft breezes.
This sweet potato is only half-baked and is still crunchy.
3. sour
He glanced at the noisy child with a sour expression.
turn sour
They shall no longer say: ‘The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’
Criticisms that Japan's market is closed are just sour grapes.
When the milk turns sour, I'm not the kind of pussy to drink it.
In Aesop's Fables is a story called "Sour Grapes".
Persimmons are highly nutritious and a great delicacy, but sometimes you get a sour one.
Don't be so sour. Have you seen that beautiful sun outside the window?
Our friendship soured when I got promoted.
To make the sauce, thoroughly blend the sour cream, yoghurt, lemon juice and sugar in a mixing bowl.
It’s inside bacon and sour cream is nice and Jack cheese.
privacy fears and ongoing confusion about security have soured the internet for many
My relationship with my fater is still sour
Add vinegar to give it a slightly sour taste.
if a situation sours, it stops being succesful or satisfatory
Angličtina slovo „sweet„(sour) se zobrazí v sadách:
najwazniejsze perfect4. of
Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.
How nice of you!
Of course.
It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.
A box of chocolates
We were sitting peacefully at dinner, when all of a sudden the lights went out.
To the best of my knowledge, this chemical will prevent germs from breeding.
Eat a live frog every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.
Genes consist of a specific sequence of DNA.
Carpentry and bricklaying are examples of manual labor.
By the age of seven, he had already made his own bow and arrows.
When we started out in 2009, I was convinced that our store would become one of the best in the city.
I'm very particular about what kind of people I invite into my house.
If a man wants to learn to sound like a native speaker of Japanese, he shouldn't only learn Japanese from women. The reverse is true for a woman.
Something you should know about me is that I half of what I say is meaningless.