slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

w dużym skrócie v angličtině:

1. In a nutshell In a nutshell

I won't give you a long, detailed explanation but, in a nutshell, I couldn't do the job.
Okay, that's our offer in a nutshell. Any questions?
Fortunately we managed to close the debate at last and in a nutshell it was stiff boring.
We have little time, so I'll put it in a nutshell...
I'll tell you about my holiday later, but in a nutshell, it was enjoyable but not fantastic.
I'll tell you about my holiday later, but in a nutshell, it was enjoyable but not fantastic. | He's sympathetic, supportive, generous, a good listener. In a nutshell, he's a really good friend.
Let me put it in a nutshell: "I am leaving."
I don't really like him, in a nutshell, I think he is an idiot.
Well, to put it in a nutshell, we're going to have to start again.
So that's the real shipping process in a nutshell.
She put the matter in a nutshell.
Just give me the facts in a nutshell.
Heading in a nutshell attracts people's attention.
To put in in a nutshell, it was she who dumped him.

2. to put in a nutshell to put in a nutshell

3. In a shell In a shell

Angličtina slovo „w dużym skrócie„(In a shell) se zobrazí v sadách:

Oxford 34 lekcja3

4. very briefly very briefly

Let me just very briefly focus on four main challenges. Allow me to touch very briefly on several issues.