slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

wada minus v angličtině:

1. drawback of drawback of

Angličtina slovo „wada minus„(drawback of) se zobrazí v sadách:

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2. disadvantage disadvantage

to be at a disadvantage
a major disadvantage is the limited nature of the data’
The disadvantage of excellent insulation is that it quickly leads to overheating.
For him, divorce is a good invention, with one sole disadvantage: you have to get married first.
This plan had many advantages and disadvantages.
His diligence turned out a disadvantage after all.
Being short is a disadvantage to a volleyball player.
There is one quality that Mrs. Johnson possesses that works both to her advantage and to her disadvantage. / It puts the normal citizen at a great disadvantage. / These principles can put us at a disadvantage. / That's my advantage, and disadvantage.
What do you think are the disadvantages of living in a city?
Unfortunately, you'll be at a disadvantage if you can't drive.
I can't see any disadvantages in the plan.
Living in a cold country is a disadvantage when it comes to eating salads.
That new method is very good but it has some disadvantages too.
There are many disadvantages of traditional ways of learning.
One disadvantage of living in the country is the lack of public transport.

3. drawback drawback

The same drawbacks also applied to Thrawn, of course, plus the added one of being a nonhuman in a society like that.
a drawback is a disadvantage
. The only drawbacks were that she was a little chatty
Living in the city has many drawbacks as well as many benefits.
something is a serious drawback
This method seems to be full of drawbacks
He said it worked extremely well, the only minor drawback being that it had a relatively small capacity.
One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.
I fail to notice any drawbacks in your proposal.
The first drawback is that it turns out the pleasant life, your experience of positive emotion, is heritable, about 50 percent heritable.
It's a big drawback of working so far from a house.
The only drawback of moving to London was that Sarah wouldn’t see her parents so often.
There’s no communication with the internet for user – so, no emails, no chat forums. And that can be a big drawback
droobak/////////////////What would be the drawbacks of this?
Brilliant people have one major drawback - they don't know how to lose.

4. downside downside

The downside of the plan is the cost.
downside disadvantage; bad point
The surprising downsides of being drop dead gorgeous
The downside of living in a city is all the pollution.
what is the downside of living in village?
The downside of Lily's new job was the low salary.
Us buying that apartment has absolutely no downside.
Digital mobile phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power.
The downside of living here, of course, is that it is expensive.
There is also a downside to being famous.
The downside, well, it's how thoroughly work gets mixed up with my private life.