slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

wiadomości z ostatniej chwili v angličtině:

1. breaking news breaking news

i have breaking news
Should I post new information about a breaking news story?
A breaking news story was running on all the major channels.
I'm freaking out whenever I see breaking news headline.
We'll bring you all the latest breaking news as it happens.
Our new SMS alert service will keep you up date with breaking news. Register now!

Angličtina slovo „wiadomości z ostatniej chwili„(breaking news) se zobrazí v sadách:

II. Journalism and the news (Angielski SUM)
Fact and Fiction itp. (liceum 2 klasa)
matura prime time upper p. 22-26
Work - words (New Enterprise B2)

2. newsflash newsflash

We interrupt this programme to bring you a newsflash
Newsflash: People a couple of hundred years ago didn't speak the same as we do.

Angličtina slovo „wiadomości z ostatniej chwili„(newsflash) se zobrazí v sadách:

Upstream advanced C1 unit 6
Zbiór przypadkowy.
Time to relax
Time to relax