slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

zabieg operacyjny v angličtině:

1. a surgical procedure a surgical procedure

Angličtina slovo „zabieg operacyjny„(a surgical procedure) se zobrazí v sadách:

(8) Listening comprehension 1 – Don't kill Obamacare
angielski medyczny

2. procedure procedure

You will save time if you adopt this new procedure.
The procedure must be executed correctly and completely.
Everyone must follow the procedure.
What's the procedure?
Despite criticism, the award procedure will not change.
There's a lot of red tape involved in this procedure.
If everyone could pay close attention, please. I will now auscultate the patient. Make sure to note the proper procedure because you all will be practicing this tomorrow.
Government wants to change procedure of application to universities.
The procedure of application is described in the link below.
Those ticket holders who followed the proper procedure will receive a full refund.
We can't omit it, it's a standard procedure.
Definition a procedure is a set of actions that you regularly do in the same way in order to do something correctly
I shall furnish you with details and procedures preceding the transfer.
The definition of procedure is order of the steps to be taken to make something happen, or how something is done.
There must be a conventional procedure having a conventional effect.

Angličtina slovo „zabieg operacyjny„(procedure) se zobrazí v sadách:

Medical English EXAM part 6

3. surgery surgery

Doctor, tell me, is this surgery serious?
The surgery, performed at our clinic, is over in half an hour.
Even plastic surgery won't do anything for your ugliness.
I kept him company while his wife was in surgery.
dental surgery
Cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular.
For gall bladder surgery, go down this hall and take a right.
A typical nurse will do such things as helping with a urinal bottle, and shaving in preparation for surgery!
20 students gathered to watch a famous surgeon perform open heart surgery live.
Vergeer started playing wheelchair tennis at the age of eight after losing control over her legs following a spinal surgery.
A surgery is a building or an office where you can go and ask a GP or a dentist for medical advice.
I had back surgery a couple of months ago
Definition surgery is a medical treatment that involves cutting into someone’s body in order to repair or take out a part that is diseased or damaged
The member of parliament did not announce his surgery, and he was fined for it.
It's a pretty minor surgery so the doctor will probably only give you a local anaesthetic.