slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

zaintrygowany v angličtině:

1. intrigued intrigued

The employees were intrigued by the odd behavior of their boss.
I am intrigued by what is happening.
I was intrigued by your question
/ɪnˈtriːɡ-ed/ hroughout ​history, ​people have been intrigued by the ​question of whether there is ​intelligent ​life ​elsewhere in the ​universe.
Forgive me for being intrigued.
intrigued very interested in something
I'm intrigued about this sporty Neil I didn't know about!
What are you intrigued by?

Angličtina slovo „zaintrygowany„(intrigued) se zobrazí v sadách:

Benio - słowa w których były największe trudności
07.11.18 - Miscellaneous words
Sex and the city S. 4 / 10
Słówka których jeszcze nie ogarniam

2. puzzled

His behavior puzzled me.
What puzzled us was that he said he would not attend the meeting.
The man looked puzzled and hurt.
I would just say that I am puzzled by the resolution's insistence on proportionality.
Whereas watching a cinema and what have you, even though I would look at characters who appear to die in one scene and then later somehow they seem to have reincarnated or something, it always puzzled me.
I puzzled over the difficult math problem.
People frown when they are puzzled or anoyed.
The girl could not understand his behaviour at all, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.
the police is puzzled
Philosophers are puzzled by states of intentionality.
I must confess myself to be puzzled as well,
The police are puzzled by a mysterious crime.
Don’t look so puzzled – it’s perfectly simple.
Friends were puzzled by his decision to return.
She was puzzled, and she ran away from me.

Angličtina slovo „zaintrygowany„(puzzled) se zobrazí v sadách:

Communication V GL49 BOOK 4 MODULE 6
Angielski dla kurew