slovník Polský - Angličtina

język polski - English

zdrowy rozsądek v angličtině:

1. common sense common sense

A little common sense will go a long way here.
Use common sense!
be down to common sense
The children should be ok if they use their common sense.
Against all common sense, she kissed him back.
Use common sense! You shouldn't put your hand on a hot stove!
Just use your common sense.
Some things are just common sense.
It’s common sense to keep medicines away from children.
Not everything needs to be learnt. Some things are just common sense.
Please, you can use a common sense sometimes.
Please use your common sense and don’t do stupid or dangerous things!
Organising a conference is no rocket science; it really is all about good organisation and common sense!
The children shouldn't be in any danger as long as they use their common sense.
Don't listen to them! Keep a common sense!

Angličtina slovo „zdrowy rozsądek„(common sense) se zobrazí v sadách:

words from cusp of January and Fabuary
BBC One day in Your life, lessons 1-10
Słówka, angielski (bliżej niesprecyzowane)
Money, collocations and learning skills
Gateway 3: Szkoła, nauka, technika

2. good judgement good judgement

3. sanity sanity

His behaviour was so strange that they began to question his sanity.
Although I felt that I was finally approaching a place of sanity regarding my condition, I knew that the people around me would consider it madness.
To save my sanity
Seven years ago Mike lost his sanity.
You must have a little sanity.
jogging helps me keep my sanity
I began to doubt my own sanity
The thin line between sanity and madness has gotten finer.

4. horse sense horse sense

Angličtina slovo „zdrowy rozsądek„(horse sense) se zobrazí v sadách:

Idiomy Angielskie
Idiomy angielskie

5. gumption

He had the gumption to take my car without asking.
have a lot of gumption

Angličtina slovo „zdrowy rozsądek„(gumption) se zobrazí v sadách:

Mój angielski
4. Marketing
Cechy charakteru