slovník portugalský - Angličtina

português - English

adolescente v angličtině:

1. teenager teenager

You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.
Lucas is still just a teenager.
A teenager sometimes acts like a baby.
How much time does the average teenager watch TV every day?
Shop owners think that gangs of teenagers steal things.
The teenager never listened to her parents.
Like many teenagers, she lives in a fantasy world.
When I was a teenager a had an earring in my nose.
Jolanta is a very beautiful teenager girl from Bronisław's university.
My daughter has just turned 13 and she officially became a teenager.
‘The teenager said he had no problem with the police stopping people for bad behaviour.’
while growing up, teenagers discover that world is not paradise
My parents say I was a very difficult teenager.
When my sister and I were teenagers we became quite competitive with our style.
When I was a teenager, my parents would never allow me to go out with boys so I was always sad.

2. teen teen

She knew the teen.
So these Hollywood remakes aimed at the teen market are actually returning fairy tales to an adult audience.

3. adolescent

Education about birth control might help cut down on adolescent pregnancies.
his adolescent years / adolescent problems / the books are aimed at children and adolescents
Many adolescent girls worry about their appearance.
I regret also the inclusion of language relating to adolescent sexual 'rights' - a further erosion of the very concept of childhood.
An adolescent is a person between 11 and 19 years old.
‘Many parents find it hard to understand their adolescent children’
The vast majority of adolescents are well-behaved.
Kepivance has not been studied in children, adolescents or the elderly.
It was determined that the picking of one's nose is a completely normal act for adolescent boys.