slovník Slovinština - Angličtina

slovenski jezik - English

predvidevati v angličtině:

1. anticipate anticipate

Nobody anticipated defeat.
What do you anticipate?
We have to anticipate his next move if we want to find him.
Boxers must concentrate on what their opponent is doing and anticipate their moves, timing is everything!
it was anticipated that the rains would slow the military campaign //// He probably anticipated the way things were moving in terms of the moral and social climate
to expect something, or to prepare for something before it happens przewidywać, oczekiwać to anticipate a problem [+ that] We anticipate that prices will fall next year.
We need someone who can anticipate and respond to change.
Bt placing sensors in earthquake-prone areas, scientists can anticipate some termors in time to warn the public
it was anticipated that the rains would slow the military campaign
Formal orders in this regard are anticipated in a day or so.
We don't anticipate any trouble / The holiday cost a lot more than we had anticipated
As best you can, anticipate the next word to come up.
In chess, you have to try to anticipate your opponent’s moves.
They anticipate having several applicants for the job. At this stage we can't really anticipate what will happen.