slovník albánský - Angličtina

gjuha shqipe - English

gji v angličtině:

1. breast breast

Breast cancer is a disease.
Coat the chicken breast with flour.
This woman has only one breast.
Make a clean breast of your secrets.
He felt patriotism rise in his breast.
Sorrow filled his breast.
Joy and grief alternate in my breast.
She doesn't drink enough breast milk.
Music has charms to soothe a savage breast.
Kazuko bared her breast and fed the baby.
She covered her breasts in surprise when she saw him.
2005 was a bad year for music sector. Because Kylie Minogue caught breast cancer.
My friend decided to get breast implants.
1. The soldier's breast was filled with pride. 2. We breasted Mount Everest last year
After only a year her breast implants started to leak and she had to have them removed.