slovník albánský - Angličtina

gjuha shqipe - English

leje v angličtině:

1. permit permit

You can't park in a handicapped parking space unless you have a special permit.
Please permit me to ask you some questions.
You can't enter the building without a permit.
a work permit
What kind of parents would permit such a lapse in "scalpal" hygiene?
It must permit easy and thorough cleaning.
You are asked to produce your permit to get in this center.
The Koran does not permit Mohammedans to drink. Their natural instincts do not permit them to be moral.
The official informed Bob that his request for a parking permit had been rejected.
Photography is not permitted inside the museum. You need a permit to park your car here.
Her parents won’t permit her to travel alone.
they don't want them to be permitted indoors anymore?
I permit you to go at your friend in order to learn together.
You may live now. He permitted/allowed me to leave then.
Permit is defined as an official document that allows you to do or have something. An application for a weapons permit.