The car turned abruptly.
The taxi abruptly turned left.
Ha said something abruptly stopping his car.
His untidy room announced that he had abruptly departed.
His posture straightens abruptly as he understands.
For example, if you abruptly push the control wheel forward while flying, you would experience a sensation as if your weight suddenly decreased.
Treatment with Viani should not be stopped abruptly
He quickly waved goodbye and abruptly closed the door behind. He didn't look back.
You shouldn't have answered so abruptly to his polite question.
I'm sorry I had to leave so abruptly.
Perhaps Uncle Vernon was worried that Harry might forget their bargain; in any case, he changed the subject abruptly
He stood abruptly, stool toppling to the ground behind him.
the main supply line od petrol was abruptly cut off
If discontinuation during pregnancy is necessary, it should not be done abruptly.
If you hadn’t spoken to her so abruptly, she wouldn’t have been upset.
It's across the street.
Getting your message across is much more important than trying to say it exactly like a native speaker would say it.
Your meaning didn't come across clearly.
If you come across an unfamiliar word, look it up in your dictionary.
We had to make a detour across a bridge down the river from here.
I took a trip across Canada last April.
The Balkan Mountain range runs across Bulgaria from west to east.
For our singing lessons, we would go to the music school across the road.
An eagle's wings are more than one meter across.
People, goods and money are all free to move across national borders in the region.
I'll travel across Europe by bicycle this summer.
The policeman stood like a statue with his arms folded across his chest.
We try to explain things across cultures; in spite of boundaries.
Banks across the country had closed their doors.
The road across the mountain was narrow, and what's more, it was a steep slope.
3. through
His application went through.
I will give you a call as soon as the decision comes through.
In swimming pools, water is continuously pumped through a filter.
After getting through customs, I was free to go wherever I wanted.
Through his own efforts and a bit of luck, he won first prize in the contest.
We've been through a rough patch, but I hope it will have made us stronger.
Please move out of the way so this lady can go through.
Through genetic modification, we can improve crops.
The project to build a new sports center has fallen through for lack of adequate funds.
This factory uses an integrated manufacturing system standardized from parts on through to finished products.
Whenever I needed money as a college student, my parents always came through.
It may seem like a lot of trouble to go through, but in the end, you'll be happy you did it.
Once we start reading a book, we should read it all the way through.
Only through protest can a free and open society be maintained.
Gerhard Schroeder is the first German chancellor not to have lived through World War II.
4. due to
due to the bad weather
The metal decreases in size due to cooling.
This is certainly due to the familial organisation of his universe.
Pitching tendency occurs due to the reduction of downwash from the wings and the propeller.
Yesterday's airlift was late due to fog in England.
Unfortunately, she is absent due to illness.
I'm a good person due to my parents
we should help those who lose their jobs due to budget cuts.
We’re due to meet tomorrow
The fall in sales was due to the difficult economic climate. We had to stay home due to lack of funds.
Why is that due to? Why don't we sometimes get along very well?
due to the economic crisis the spanish property market is facing a complex situation
it’s all due to you.
We arrived outside the cinema before the stars were due to arrive.
Mexico showed the biggest jump in happiness outside Europe, probably due to free elections.