slovník Urdu - Angličtina

اردو - English

انتظام کریں v angličtině:

1. Manage Manage

No matter how much you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, even though you may manage to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla.
Don't worry, I'll manage. / I tried many times and finally I managed.
I can't manage.
Japanese cameras, cars, and hi-fi equipment are used widely abroad, and few modern industries can manage without advanced electronic equipment developed in Japan.
Smokers are as aware as anybody else of the disadvantages of their hobby, but manage to live with that knowledge for two main reasons.
If speakers regularly mean something other than what they say, how is it that people manage to understand one another?
Although I broke test tubes and played about with chemicals for fun, I did occasionally manage to obey the teacher's instructions as well; repeating experiments that others had long ago undertaken.
As the proverb goes, “To manage a household and maintain relationships, you cannot do without money.”
When you use the last sheet, don't think: "The person after me will manage just fine."
I'm find it hard to manage my time, because I have so much to do.
I do not think it will come to that. I believe there are ways to manage the situation.
The other essential person you need to meet is Rosie, who manages the café.
utrzymać się How can anyone manage on such a low income? zarządzać He's no good at managing his money. Anyway, we managed to get there on time.
You make all the decisions on how to manage your business. To manage a business means to have control of how you run that business.
A prisoner is more obsessed with the idea of escaping than his warden by the idea of watching over him. Thus, a prisoner will always manage to escape.