slovník Urdu - Angličtina

اردو - English

تشخیص v angličtině:

1. appraisal appraisal

The magazine gave an appraisal of the government's achievements of the past two years. We need a better appraisal of the situation.
How has the appraisal been done?
Before giving final approval of your mortgage (=loan), the bank will conduct an appraisal of the property.
The appraisal of the damage will be carried out by an insurance expert.
She said there was a desire for "an honestappraisal to identify the true facts of this matter".
The opportunity to evaluate your work and get a feedback is performance appraisal.
I've got my appraisal interview tomorrow. I hope it'll go well.
I welcome the Vatanen report as a realistic appraisal of European security.
a critical appraisal
Many companies operate regular job appraisals, often on an annual basis.
Finally, we should probably also carry out a political appraisal
Mr. Pompeo, who is responsible for hashing out the terms of a nuclear agreement with Pyongyang, struggled to square his boss's enthusiasm with the administration's more pessimistic appraisal.