slovník Urdu - Angličtina

اردو - English

طاق v angličtině:

1. Odd

that's odd!
He's always been an odd child, wearing the same stripy shirt on even days of the week.
The New Yorker attempts to reïnstate the English diaresis in words like "coöperation," "zoölogical," and "reëntry"—an odd thing to reinstate in this day and age, and hardly in cooperation with most zoology.
Hegel's philosophy is so odd that no one would have expected him to be able to get sane men to accept it, but he did. He set it out with so much obscurity that people thought it must be profound.
I'd like to do without commas, but 6 feels odd if it doesn't have commas.
I came to know the man who is now my husband through e-mail; from an acquaintanceship started in that odd way, before a month had passed, we found ourselves resolving to get married.
Well he looks odd on the surface ... but he's even odder on the inside. "You're really not helping me there."
Why am I the only one who dressed up? Now I feel odd!
Oliver, usually the biggest talker, was oddly silent at yesterday's meeting
It's kind of odd behavior for somebody who's about to kill herself,
What do we mean by an odd fellow? By an odd fellow a strange or peculiar man.
odd socks
the neighbors thought him very odd. If the number in the second column is odd. he's wearing odd socks.
Susan asked if I bite my toenails - what an odd question!
Waiting for Godot was voted the most significant English language play of the 20ts century, which is odd because it was originally written in French.