slovník čínský - Angličtina

中文, 汉语, 漢語 - English

孙女儿 v angličtině:

1. granddaughter

Our granddaughter is the sweetest child in the world.
My niece is the granddaughter of my parents.
Mary is Tom's granddaughter.
The old lady smiled at her granddaughter.
It made Grandfather's day when his granddaughter gave him a picture she had drawn of him.
My granddaughter's name is Zosia.
His granddaughter is 10 years old.
Our granddaughter loves us so much.
I just want to talk to you about your granddaughter.
Along comes the grandmother and sees her granddaughter.
There, said the granddaughter, "that's just the place."
She searched for her granddaughter who had been taken away.

Angličtina slovo „孙女儿„(granddaughter) se zobrazí v sadách:

第三课 (dì sān kè)

jiná slova začínající na „孙"

孙女 v angličtině
孙子 v angličtině