Extremely simplified grammar - Gramàtica extremadament simplificada

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verb "to be" in Catalan (2)
I'm here.
začněte se učit
pay attention: the verb "estar" is used to talk about locations, feelings or physical conditions. All these categories are "variable" - we can move, our feelings change, we can get sick etc.
Jo estic aquí.
neuter article / neuter pronoun
The best you can.
začněte se učit
Lo millor que puguis.
plural indefinite article in the plural
Some boys play video games, some girls do sport.
začněte se učit
uns, unes
uns = masculine plural form, unes = feminine plural form
Alguns nens juguen als videojocs, algunes noies fan esport.
What's the letter that doesn't exist in the English alphabet but has a similar pronunciation to the Spanish for ñ?
There are less people than yesterday.
začněte se učit
-ny in the Catalan alphabet is used to imitate the sound of the ñ
Hi ha menys persones que ahir.
3 groups of verbs
I love to sing./ We had to run./ You have to serve.
začněte se učit
1. -ar, 2.-er, -re, 3.-ir
remember: the Catalan verbs are divided into 3 categories: 1. those ending with -ar; 2. those ending with-er; 3. those ending with -ir
M´encanta cantar./ Vam haver de córrer./ Has de servir.
superlative of an adjective
Spain's most beautiful castle.
začněte se učit
el / la més + adjective
El castell més bonic d´Espanya.
singular indefinite article
I can see one boy, I can see one girl.
začněte se učit
un, una
un = masculine indefinite article, una = feminine indefinite article
Puc veure un noi, puc veure una noia.
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