TOEFL - Campus Vocabulary 76 - 100

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otázka odpověď
Os estudantes costumam ir ao ginásio à noite.
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abbr. gym
Students usually go to the gymnasium in the evening.
chefe residente
As reuniões semanais são realizadas pelo chefe residente do dormitório.
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head resident
The weekly meetings are held by the head resident of the dormitory.
O governo oferece mais de 100 bolsas para estudantes talentosos.
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The government offers over 100 grants for talented students.
A sebenta inclui uma lista de livros para a disciplina.
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The handout includes the list of textbooks for the course.
Por favor, devolve os livros depois do curso.
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hand back
Please hand back the books after the course.
manter as notas
A Mary está a tentar manter as suas notas.
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keep grades up
Mary is trying to keep her grades up.
Os especialistas de laboratório vão determinar de quem é o ADN.
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informal - lab
The laboratory specialists will determine whose DNA is it.
+18 kartičky
Lekce je součástí kurzu
"TOEFL - Vocabulário de campus"
(celkem 150 kartičky)

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