Untranslatable - Neprevodivo

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Draft of air usually created by opening doors on opposite sides of the house or windows or similar.
A draught in the room can cause musculache.
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Propuh u sobi može izazvati bol u mišićima.
"A bit" or an expression used to say to someone to do something slowly or step by step.
There's no rush, take it easy!
začněte se učit
Nema žurbe, pomalo!
For nothing or term used to say that something is lame.
So this was all for nothing?
začněte se učit
Dakle, sve ovo je bilo bezveze?
Sure, or used sarcastically with the meaning of "yeah, right".
He found a job? Yeah, right...
začněte se učit
kako da ne
Našao je posao? Kako da ne...
It's not a big deal, never mind or it has nothing to do with something.
If you go to the store and there are no pears, never mind.
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nema veze
Ako odeš u trgovinu i tamo ne bude krušaka, nema veze.
A strong, cold and dry Northeastern wind that frequently blows at the Croatian coast.
Bura is still pretty strong but we sail out anyway.
začněte se učit
Bura još uvijek puše prilično jako ali svejedno isplovljavamo.
A strong and warm Southwestern wind that frequently blows at the Croatian coast.
The village is situated at the end of the bay and it's protected from jugo.
začněte se učit
Selo se nalazi na kraju uvale i zaštićeno je od juga.

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