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Používám VocApp od té doby2010dnů. Jsem autor83sety. Naposledy jsi mě viděl2019-06-26 16:14:17,
Moje zájmy
Mnou vytvořené kartičky
Basic phrasal verbs with "to be"
Phrasal verbs with "to be"
Phrasal verbs with "to break"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to bring"
Phrasal verbs with "to bring"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to call"
Phrasal verbs with "to call"
Phrasal verbs with "to carry"
Phrasal verbs with "to catch"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to come"
Phrasal verbs with "to come"
Phrasal verbs with "to cut"
Phrasal verbs with "to do"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to fall"
Phrasal verbs with "to fall"
Phrasal verbs with "to feel"
Phrasal verbs with "to fill"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to get"
Phrasal verbs with "to get"
Phrasal verbs with "to give"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to go"
Phrasal verbs with "to go"
Phrasal verbs with "to grow"
Phrasal verbs with "to have"
Phrasal verbs with "to hold"
Phrasal verbs with "to keep"
Phrasal verbs with "to live"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to look"
Phrasal verbs with "to look"
Phrasal verbs with "to make"
Phrasal verbs with "to pay"
Phrasal verbs with "to put"
Phrasal verbs with "to run"
Phrasal verbs with "to see"
Phrasal verbs with "to send"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to set"
Phrasal verbs with "to set"
Phrasal verbs with "to sit"
Phrasal verbs with "to stand"
Phrasal verbs with "to stay"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to take"
Phrasal verbs with "to take"
Basic phrasal verbs with "to turn"
Phrasal verbs with "to turn"
Phrasal verbs with "to work"
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter A
Phrasal verbs with the letter A
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter B
Phrasal verbs with the letter B
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter C
Phrasal verbs with the letter C
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter D
Phrasal verbs with the letter D
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter E
Phrasal verbs with the letter E
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter F
Phrasal verbs with the letter F
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter G
Phrasal verbs with the letter G
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter H
Phrasal verbs with the letter H
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter I
Phrasal verbs with the letter I
Phrasal verbs with the letter J
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter K
Phrasal verbs with the letter K
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter L
Phrasal verbs with the letter L
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter M
Phrasal verbs with the letter M
Phrasal verbs with the letters N and O
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter P
Phrasal verbs with the letter P
Basic phrasal verbs with the letters Q and R
Phrasal verbs with the letters Q and R
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter S
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter T
Phrasal verbs with the letter T
Phrasal verbs with the letters U and V
Basic phrasal verbs with the letter W
Phrasal verbs with the letter W
Phrasal verbs with the letters Y and Z
Phrasal verbs with the letter S
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