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Používám VocApp od té doby1968dnů. Jsem autor77sety. Naposledy jsi mě viděl2020-06-02 17:58:34,
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Days of the week in Chinese
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Vegetables in Chinese
Cereals in Chinese
Family members in Chinese
Jobs in Chinese
Drinks in Chinese
Numbers in Chinese
Months and seasons in Chinese
Furniture in Chinese
Rooms in the house in Chinese
Colours in Chinese
Personality adjectives in Chinese
Clothes in Chinese
Languages in Chinese
Countries in Chinese
Parts of the body in Chinese
Sports in Chinese
Planets in Chinese
Means of transport in Chinese
Natural disasters in Chinese
Continents in Chinese
Trees in Chinese
School equipment in Chinese
Plants in Chinese
Spices in Chinese
School subjects in Chinese
Weather in Chinese
Musical instruments in Chinese
Free time activities in Chinese
Bathroom vocabulary in Chinese
Bedroom vocabulary in Chinese
Office equipment in Chinese
Workshop tools in Chinese
Parts of a car in Chinese
Living room vocabulary in Chinese
Dining room vocabulary in Chinese
Zodiac signs in Chinese
Crimes in Chinese
Injuries in Chinese
Weapons in Chinese
Smoking terms in Chinese
Bicycle parts in Chinese
Types of meat in Chinese
Health problems in Chinese
Birds in Chinese
Fish in Chinese
Geography terms in Chinese
Top 15 medical terms in Chinese
Senses in Chinese
Pets in Chinese
Bugs and insects in Chinese
Reptiles in Chinese
Shapes names in Chinese
Top 15 business words in Chinese
Top 15 international relations terms in Chinese
Top 15 computer terms in Chinese
Religions in Chinese
Political systems in Chinese
Gemstones in Chinese
Fabrics in Chinese
Documents in Chinese
Top 20 chemical elements in Chinese
Cooking tools in Chinese
Chinese zodiac signs in Chinese
Criminals in Chinese
Household appliances in Chinese
Cleaning supplies in Chinese
Cardinal directions in Chinese
Beach vocabulary in Chinese
Internal organs in Chinese
Animals classification in Chinese
Parts of the book in Chinese
Personal data in Chinese
Types of stores in Chinese
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