3 lidem se to líbí. Polub!

erka22 erka22

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Mnou vytvořené kartičky

Unit 1 (New matura success)
New matura success Unit 8 Getting away
New matura success Unit 2 Keep in touch
New matura success Unit 3 Outside the law
New matura success Unit 4 His and hers
New matura success Unit 5 What a disaster
New matura success Unit 6 Animal magic
New matura success Unit 7 Nobody's perfect
New matura success Unit 9 Feelings
New matura success Unit 10 True art
New matura success Unit 11 Looking good
New matura success Unit 12 The hard sell
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 1 Szkoła
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 2 Zdrowie
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 4 Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie
Oxford Excellence for mature Unit 3 Dom
Oxford Excellence for matura exam unit 5 Praca
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 6 Podróżowanie i turystyka
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 7 Żywienie
Przedstawiciele epok
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 8 Zakupy i usługi
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 9 Człowiek
Oxford Excellence for matura unit 10 KULTURA
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 11 Sport
Oxford excellence for matura unit 12 NAUKA I TECHNIKA
Oxford Excellence for matura unit 13 Świat przyrody
Oxford Excellence for matura Unit 14 Państwo i społeczeństwo
Podstawowe synonimy łacińsko-greckie w terminologii medycznej
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 1
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 2
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 3
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 4
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 5
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 6
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 7
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 8
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 9
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 10
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 11
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 12
Deklinacja I i II
Przysłowia i powiedzenia łacińskie
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 13 The urinary system and its disorders
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 14 The nervous system and its disorders
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 15 The eye and its disorders
Rzeczowniki IV i V deklinacji
z seriali
ANATOMIA kresomózgowie
ANATOMIA międzymózgowie
English for medical students and doctors, UNIT 16 The ear and its disorders
Endocrine system
Reproductive system
Słówka z przedrostkami
Mózgowie cz. I
Mózgowie cz. II
Mózgowie cz. III
mozgowie calosc
Parazytologia; rodzina
Parazytologia; nazwa
lekcja 4
lekcja 5
lekcja 6
lekcja 66
lekcja 7
lekcja 8
lekcja 9
lekcja 10
lekcja 4
lekcja 1
lekcja 2
lekcja 5
lekcja 3
lekcja 6
lekcja 7
lekcja 8
lekcja 9
lekcja 10
English for medical students and doctors UNIT 17 The doctor and his patient
English for medical students and doctors UNIT 19 Treatment of diseases and disorders
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 20 The doctor's surgery
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 21 The modern hospital
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 22 Temperature
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 23 Pulse rate
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 24 Blood pressure
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 25 Injections
Rozpoznania medyczne
Zwroty ćw. 35 i 59
Deklinacja III - rzeczowniki
ŁACINA - egzamin
ŁACINA - egzamin (1)
słówka z kserówek od sławka
reproductive systemus
układ nerwowy
Bakterie GRAM (-)
Bakterie GRAM (+)
English for medical students and doctors; UNIT 18 Taking history
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 1 Contemporary diseases and disorders
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 2 Influenza
Ksero (dodatkowe słówka)
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 3 Heart infarct
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 4 Duodenal ulcer
Ksero 38 Diseases
Ksero 39 Infectious diseases
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 5 Cancer of the rectum
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 6 Diabetes mellitus
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 11 Osteoporosis
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 12 Skin melanoma
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 16 Infertility
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 9 Carcinoma of the cervix
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 13 Measles
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 18 Heart transplantation
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 23 Brain death
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 24 Occupational bronchial asthma
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 25 Breast cancer
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 19 Schizophrenia
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 7 Glomerulonephritis
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 8 Urinary calculi (urolithiasis)
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 10 Rheumatoid arthritis
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 14 Retinal detachment
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 15 Otitis media
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 17 Coarctation of the aorta
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 20 Recurrent pancreatitis
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 21 Respiratory obstruction
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 22 Adrenal tumour
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 26 Causalgia
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 27 Neuropsychiatric complications caused by prazosin administration
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 28 Acute encephalopathy
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 29 Ankylosing spondylitis
English for medical students and doctor 2; UNIT 30 Endoscopic removal of a cluster of tablets
rozrodczy ")
atak serca
zmiany skórne
transplantacja serca
Medical English EXAM part 1
Medical English EXAM part 3
Medical English EXAM part 2
Medical English EXAM part 4
Medical English EXAM part 5
Medical English EXAM part 6
Medical English EXAM part 7
Medical English EXAM part 8
Przymiotniki odrzeczownikowe
Patomorfologia ćw 2
Patomorfologia ćw 5
Patomorfologia ćw 6
Patomorfologia ćw 7
Patomorfologia SEMESTR II ćw 1 (ukł oddechowy)
Patomorfologia SEMESTR II ćw 2 (ukł wydalniczy)
Patomorfologia SEMESTR II ćw 5 (ukł. nerwowy)
Patomorfologia SEMESTR II ćw 6 (skóra)
Patomorfologia SEMESTR II ćw 7 (ukł dokrewny)
Patomorfologia SEMESTR II ćw 8 (ukł płciowy)
To be
Czytanka o pingwinach
Wygląd-słówka str 14
Członkowie rodziny
Podstawowe pytania i odpowiedzi

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