Uz ielas - In the street

 0    20 kartičky    VocApp
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Cik tālu tas ir?
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How far is it?
Cik ilgs laiks man vajadzīgs, lai tur nokļūtu?
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How long would it take me to get there?
Man ir jābrauc ar diviem autobusiem, lai nokļūtu mājās.
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I have to take two buses to get home.
arī: I must grab/catch two buses to get home.
Vai Jūs, lūdzu, varētu atkārtot virzienu?
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Could you please repeat the directions?
Man ir nepareizā adrese.
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I have the wrong address.
Vai Jūs ziniet, kur šeit ir taksafons?
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Do you know where there is a public phone?
Kas šī ir par ielu?
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What street is this?
+13 kartičky
Lekce je součástí kurzu
"Noderīgas angļu valodas frāzes"
(celkem 515 kartičky)

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