otázka |
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set the table Sara has to lay the table, because her mom asked for it.
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anticipate We are expecting a visit from our grandparents.
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very / really I am not an extremely tidy person. I hate housework.
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friends / associate (wspólnik) / flatmate (współlokator) My flatmate Matias is extremely hard working person.
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I am going to Olivia's for a barbecue.
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I am going to vacuum the carpet today.
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believe / assume / think I suppose that by 12 o'clock the flat would look perfect.
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award / prize As a reward, I am going to bake a chocolate cake for us.
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I would like to invite you to my birthday party which is going to take place in my apartment on Friday at 5.00 p. m.
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There will be a lot of attractions like a fireworks show.
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Let me know, if you can come.
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happening The exent is organized to celebrate the international day of pizza.
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component Mix the ingredients and add milk.
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reduction They give you a 10% discount if you pay in cash.
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attendee / competitor (zawodnik) Ten participants decided not to take part in the competition.
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affirm I must confirm the date of the meeting.
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