02 travel and movement

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
tłoczyć się
put sth into a place that is too small
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People crammed every street leading to the main square
martwy punkt, zastój
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The traffic came to a complete standstill.
pace konserwacyjne
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maintenance work
They're conducting maintenance work in the building
przd czasem/terminem
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ahead of schedule
We managed to have it done ahead of schedule
zatrzymać się w czasie długiej podróży
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break the journey
We broke our journey to London in Pars since we neede a little time for rest
ożywiony, szybki, energeyczny
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What I need now is a brisk walk in the forest.
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She denied any enmity towards him
szybka wizyta (ze wględu na brak czasu)
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flying visit
Albeit being extremely busy, he made a flying visit in our new office
pociąg towarowy
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goods train
No passengers are allowed onto goods trains
miejsce stojące
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standing place
There was only one standing place left.
coś zupełnie innego
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a far cry from
The forest located nearby is a far cry from the busiest city in the country
zaspa (śnieżna)
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zostawić (kogoś) na pastwę losu, wystawić (kogoś) na bardzo trudną sytuację
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leave sb stranded
to get off a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle
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She dismounted her horse and led it back to the stable
cofać (pojazdem)
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Without realizing it, Jim reversed intro a lamp post
to leave a ship, aircraft
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to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft
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At London airport she boarded a plane to Australia.

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