04. Słówka 03 - Idioms 01

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około idiom
začněte se učit
I'll meet you at 4ish
wariat, świr, zdruzgotny idiom
začněte se učit
a basket case
He was a basket case after he was thrown off the basketball team
coś nowego / powiew świżości idiom
začněte se učit
a breath of fresh air
She's a breath of fresh air
to kwestia gustu idiom
začněte se učit
it's a matter of opinion
It's a matter of opinion whether eating fired tarantulas is a gourmet treat
byc w kłopoci idiom
začněte se učit
be in hot water
If you tell your boss off you'll really be in hot water
to tylko kwestia czasu idiom
začněte se učit
it's only a matter of time
It's only a matter of time until his boss realizes that he is the one stealing money from the till
tak czy owak idiom
začněte se učit
be that as it may
Be that as it may, I thing you should reconsider your decision to move to Antarctica
wściekły idiom
začněte se učit
up in arms
His father was up in arms when he learned that he had crashed his new car
zmienić plany (go out of your way) idiom
začněte se učit
bend over backwards
He really bent over backwardsto make my stay enjoyable
biała plama idiom
začněte se učit
draw a blank
I drew a blank when I tried to remember his brother's name
jak na razie idiom
začněte se učit
for the time being
Let's take a break from studying for the time being
stchórzyć idiom
začněte se učit
to get cold feet
John wanted to ask Maria out but he got cold feet and chickened out
zrozumieć idiom
začněte se učit
get the picture
Do you get the picture?
weź się w garść
začněte se učit
get your act together
You'd better get your act together or you're going to fail all your classes
spróbować, dać szansę
začněte se učit
give it a shot
Why don't try bungee jumping. Give it a shot
powiedzieć szczerze co się myśli idiom
začněte se učit
give him a piece of your mind
If I were you I would give him piece off your mind
wstać lewą nogą idiom
začněte se učit
get up out of the wrong side of the bd
olać kogoś idiom
začněte se učit
give sb a cold sholder
Brett walked right post me without saying a word. He gave me a cold sholder
pójść na całość (bardzo się starać, dawać z siebie wszystko)
začněte se učit
go all out
The team went all out for a win.
wszystko się zawaliło, pogorszyło idiom
začněte se učit
everything went downhill
After he got devorced, everything went downhill
pójść z dymem
začněte se učit
go up in smoke
His dreams of being a professional athlete went up in smoke when he broke a leg
wywyższać się, mieć asa w rękawie
začněte se učit
have a chip on your sholder
He has such a chip on his sholdert that he hardly ever relates to anyone
mieć tego dość idiom
začněte se učit
have it up to here
I have had it up to here with noisy students
mieszane uczucia
začněte se učit
mixed feelings
I have very mixed feelings about her marrying a fisherman
przemyśleć coś idiom
začněte se učit
second thoughts
I am having second thoughts about trekking in Greenland this summer
wściec się
začněte se učit
throw a fit
His mother threw a fit when she heard that he lost her i-phone.
zamieniam się w słuch idiom
začněte se učit
I'm all ears
ma to w kieszenie
začněte se učit
in the bag
His new is in the bag. He signed th contract
gdzie diabeł mówi dobranoc
začněte se učit
in the middle of nowhere
co za pech idiom
začněte se učit
just my luck
Just my luck to lose the winning th lottery ticket
mieć na oku
začněte se učit
keep an eye on
Will you keep an eye on my nephew while I walk the dog?
pamiętaj, weź pod uwage idiom
začněte se učit
bear in mind
Bear in mind, learning a new language is not as easy as it seems
uczyć się na pamięć idiom
začněte se učit
learn by heart
wygadać się idiom (spill the beans)
začněte se učit
let the cat out of the bag
Don't let the cat out of the bag, keep his surprise birthday party a secret
uczynić dzień lepszym idiom
začněte se učit
make the day great
The guy I have a crush on, finally called me. He made my day
nie zrozumieć całkowicie
začněte se učit
miss the point entirely
nie ma mowy
začněte se učit
no way
nie zdecydować się idiom
začněte se učit
up in the air
Plans are up in the air - we haven't deciced what to do yet
coś z niczego
začněte se učit
from scratch
Her carrot cake was made from scratch
zmienić zdanie idiom
začněte se učit
a change of heart
I have had a change of heart
szczęscie w nieszczęściu idiom
začněte se učit
a blessing in disguise
Loosing his job turned out to be a blessing in disguise
nudny, monotonny idiom
začněte se učit
dead end
przeczucia idiom
začněte se učit
gut feeling
bułka z masłem idiom
začněte se učit
piece of cake
zdzierstwo idiom
začněte se učit
rip off
utrapienie (a pest)
začněte se učit
pain in the neck
His little brother is a real pain in the neck
na tym samym wózku
začněte se učit
in the same boat
nadawać na tych samych falach
začněte se učit
be on the same wavelength
łeb na karku idiom
začněte se učit
be on the ball
He's really on the ball
wielkie coś (sarcastic)
začněte se učit
big deal
Loosing an old sock is not a big deal.
bardzo drogi idiom
začněte se učit
cost an arm and a leg
trzymać kciuki
začněte se učit
cross your finger
łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić
začněte se učit
easier said than done
mieć po dziurki w nosie
začněte se učit
to be fed up

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