05 media and advertising

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otázka odpověď
podświadomy, podprogowy
not understood or recognised by a conscious mind but still having influence on it
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The advertisements often contain subliminal messages.
bezmyślny, głupi
silly or without importance, real meaning
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I can't stand watching those quiz shows and soap operas on the telly, they are so inane!
niepokój, wzburzenie, rozruch
disagreements of fighting between different gropus of people
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political, civil unrest
It is feared that the current local society unrest will lead to a full-scale civil war.
zadomowić się na dobre
it has stopped being unusual and has become generally used or accepted
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be here to stay
After so many years blogging is commonly believed to be here to stay.
wynagradzać, rekompensować
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make up for
No amount of money can make up for our lost time/death of the child/for being such a ruthless parent.
zrobić sensację (o mass media)
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The news is often sensationalised to attract more and more public.
brać na siebie winę
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take the blame
These days it's not just television which is taking the blame for turning the nation into mindless couch potatoes.
siedzieć bezczynnie
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sit about
Stop sitting about and give me a hand with the work!
sedno, istota czegoś
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gist of
containing offensive language and therefore not acceptable in printed form, for example in a newspaper:
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Her comments were so insulting and agressive that they were unprintable. All in all, we had no article to show.
zarys, szkic
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At least tell me the outline of your plan, please.
the reporting of a particular important event or subject
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Do you think one can believe what's written in the newest coverage of Prime Minister's amendments?
wyczerpany (nakład)
books that are out of print are no longer available to buy because new copies are no longer being produced
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out of print
Most of her books went out of print long ago. She wasn't a successful writer.
poddawać, narażac na
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subject to
The company may be subject to a hostile takeover./ You may be subject to additional bank charges.
na oślep lub niekontrolowanie
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In the headlong rush to buy houses, many people easily get into debts./ When you break up, the tempation is to rush headlong into a new relationship.
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She drew a line parallel to the second one, right above it.
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You think his presentation didn't contain any subconscious messages?

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