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otázka odpověď
za pomocą
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by means of
He solved the problem by means of a creative approch
nalegał na
Pomimo zlej pogody on nalegał na spacer.
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insisted on
Despite the bad weather he insisted on going for the walk
Będę korygować moje cele
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I will adjust my goals
spowodują że znajdę
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they will make me find it
martwić się o
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worry about
I'm not worried about it
komuś brakuje energii
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somebody lack energy
I lack energy and initiative to take action
każ mi znaleźć
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make me find
dostosować cele
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adjust goals
Czuję, że coś zrobiłem
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I feel like I did something
Zdałem sobie sprawę
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I realized
pozwala mi poznać moje talenty
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it allows me to learn about my talents
poważne podejście do każdego zadania
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serious attitude towards every task
ogromna porażka
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huge failure
analizuj dalej
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keep analyzing
w porozumieniu z
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in agreement with
we must act in agreement with ethical principles
w ramach rekompensaty za
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in compensation for
She received a bonus in compensation for her extra efforts.
z wyrazami uznania od
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with compliments of
please accept this gift with compliments of the management
w odniesieniu do
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with reference to
I'm writting to you with reference to our recent conversation
w imieniu
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on behalf of
I'm speaking on behalf of the entire team
w odpowiedzi na
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in answer to
She replied in answer to the professor's question
narzekać na
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complain about
Many customers complain about the long waiting time
w odpowiedzi na ogłoszenie o pracę
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in response to a job posting
Poczułem, że spełnia moje oczekiwania
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I felt that it meets my expectation
Strach był ze mną zawsze
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Fear has always been with me
donieść na kogoś
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tell on somebody
The sister told on her Brother for hitting her.
rozwinąć temat
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elaborate on
The more she elaborated that topic The more tired The audience became.
trzymać coś przeciwko
Niemiecka firma zywi urazę do polskich pracowników.
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hold sth against
treat smd diferntly because of sth
The german company hold gradges against Polish emploeeys.
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The teacher should`t hold bias against children from another religion.
pozbawiać kogoś czegoś
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deprive somebody of something
pozbawić kogoś czegoś
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deprive somebody of something
She deprived my of the right to property.
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začněte se učit
začněte se učit
Mary grabi liście z trawnika
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Mary rakes leaves from the lawn
robić postępy
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get ahead
If you want to get ahead, you must work hard.
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zostawać w tylef
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fall behind
Mary didn't follow the news and she fell behind.
brać się do pracy
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knuckle down
The project deadline is approaching so it's time to knuckle down.
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Step Up
The firm must Step up production.
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She ushered me into her office.
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wrap up
zachwalac, reklamowac
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She pitched the idea to me over lunch.
włożyć dodatkowy wysiłek
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go to extra mile
Mary always Goes to extra mile in her job.
one of my button is loose
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