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otázka odpověď
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take your pick
Which do you want? Take your pick.
mieć chrypę (mieć trudności z mówieniem z powodu choroby)
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have a frog in your throat
I've had a frog in the throat.
równie dobrze można (jako sugestia, bo nie ma nic lepszego do zrobienia), równie dobrze można (o czymś, co dałoby podobny skutek)
used to suggest doing something, often when there is nothing better to do; when sth is also a good idea
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might as well
We might/may as well start the meeting - the others will be here soon.
We might/may as well walk there.
Bear with me, please. I'll have THE
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It's about time!!! (I've been waiting for two hours)
to start again; to continue
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Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.
klin klinem
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a/the hair of the dog (that bit you)
Even a hair of the dog didn't help his aching head
alcohol that you drink in order to make you feel better when you have drunk too much alcohol the night before
nie przejmować / przejmować się krytyką
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have (a) thin/thick skin
You have to be pretty thick-skinned to do this job.
This is not a job for someone with thin skin.
powrót do przeszłości / relikt
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a throwback TO sth
This year’s styles are throwbacks to the fashions of the 1940s.
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Missing a period is often one of the first signs that a woman is pregnant.
jedyny żywiciel rodziny
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sole family breadwinner
praca na czarno
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undeclared work
opłata za przejazd
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Children travel (at) half fare.
Train fares are going up again.
When do they start paying full fare?
something kind or helpful that you do – used humorously
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your good deed for the day
pięta achillesowa (słaby, czuły punkt)
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MY Achilles' heel. /əˌkɪliːz ˈhiːl/
you took the time to do sth
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you took THE time to do sth
in a pressure-free setting
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in a pressure-free setting
set the tone
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for sth
w trakcie działania
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on the fly
stay at the top of the game
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stay at the top of the game
without further...
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without further ado
to raise sth ... sb
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to raise sth WITH sb
znaleźć czas, żeby coś zrobić
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make time to do sth
send sth wirelessly
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You can send data to the printer wirelessly over your wi-fi network.
wi-fi access/connection/network
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This model allows you to connect to a Wi-Fi network in just a couple of clicks.
pedal gazu
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wrzuć pierwszy bieg
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Put it into first gear and let the clutch out slowly.
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The driver at the traffic lights was riding his clutch (= driving with the clutch down).
zmieniać biegi
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to change gear
znać kogoś na wylot
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know someone inside out / know sb through and through
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reflective; There was a reflective, rather sad side to her character.
dlugofalowy / trwaly
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nienaruszający równowagi ekologicznej, zrównoważony
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to persist IN doing sth
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If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.

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