16. Lesson: Taking Revenge and Forgiving Wrongs

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take/get/have revenge on sb for sth
What did he do? He took revenge on his employers by setting fire to the factory.
začněte se učit
sth you do in order to punish sb who has harmed or offended you
get even (with/on sb)
Mark hurt Brenda badly and she vowed to get even with him some day.
začněte se učit
to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something that they did to you [
get your own back on sb for sth
She wanted to get her own back on Liz for ruining her party.
začněte se učit
to do something bad to someone who has harmed you, as a way of punishing them, Pol. odpłacić komuś
začněte se učit
a violent or harmful action that sb does to punish sb for harming them or their family [
Later that day, whites retaliated by killing a young black delivery driver.
začněte se učit
to do sth bad to sb because they have done sth bad to you, Pol. brać odwet
tit for tat
didn't invite her to my party because she didn't invite me to hers. It was just tit for tat
začněte se učit
Pol. wet za wet
respond in kind
začněte se učit
to react to sth someone has done by doing the same thing is to _____., Pol. odwdzięczyć się (komuś), odpłacić (komuś)
začněte se učit
to do or give something, because something similar has been done or given to you, Pol. odwzajemnić, odwzajemnić się
If someone has done you wrong you naturally want to repay him with a wrong
začněte se učit
an action, judgment, or situation that is unfair, behaviour that is not morally right, Pol zło, krzywda
do the dirty on sb
She did the dirty on her husband by telling her daughter that he was not her father
začněte se učit
treat sb in a way that is unfair or dishonest, Pol. zrobić komuś świństwo
don't take it to heart
Don't take anything he said to heart - he was drunk.
začněte se učit
not to consider what sb says to you very seriously, often because it upsets you
turn a blind eye to sth
Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school
začněte se učit
to deliberately ignore something that you know should not be happening
I'll overlook your mistake this time.
začněte se učit
to forgive someone's mistake, bad behaviour etc and take no action
pay no attention to
Don't pay attention to their teasing. Just turn a deaf ear to it.
začněte se učit
ignore sth
turn a deaf ear to sb
Don't pay attention to their teasing. Just turn a deaf ear to it.
začněte se učit
to be unwilling to listen to what someone is saying or asking
Carlos was tactful and forbearing even when I was impatient and angry
začněte se učit
patient and willing to forgive, Pol. wyrozumiały
bear sb no malice
The policeman who fined me was just doing his job, and I bear/bore him no malice.
začněte se učit
not feel angry with sb, Pol. nie życzyć komuś źle
bear a grudge against sb
Maybe it is wrong to get revenge on others and bear a grudge against them?
začněte se učit
Pol. mieć coś komuś za złe
take it in your stride
Most kids get teased a bit at school - they have to learn to take it in their stride.
začněte se učit
to not allow sth to annoy, embarrass, or upset you, Pol. nie przejmować się
take it easy
After the operation, I was told to take things easy for a month or two.
začněte se učit
Pol. nie przejmuj się
kick sb’s butt
You are then obsessed with thoughts of revenge and dream about kicking his butt and knocking him unconscious with one punch to the jaw.
začněte se učit
Pol. skopać komuś tyłek
You are then obsessed with thoughts of revenge and dream about kicking his butt and knocking him unconscious with one punch to the jaw.
začněte se učit
a quick strong hit made with your fist, Pol. cios pięścią
You can picture yourself crushing the bastard, trampling on him, ruining his life, wrecking his career, bringing his business to bankruptcy, or even setting fire to his house.
začněte se učit
Pol. zmiażdżyć, zniszczyć (opponent)
You can picture yourself crushing the bastard, trampling on him, ruining his life, wrecking his career, bringing his business to bankruptcy, or even setting fire to his house.
začněte se učit
a very offensive word for someone, especially a man, who you think is unpleasant. Do not use this word, Pol. sukinsyn
trample on sb
You can picture yourself crushing the bastard, trampling on him, ruining his life, wrecking his career, bringing his business to bankruptcy, or even setting fire to his house.
začněte se učit
Pol. podeptać (kogoś)
wreck sb’s career
You can picture yourself crushing the bastard, trampling on him, ruining his life, wrecking his career, bringing his business to bankruptcy, or even setting fire to his house.
začněte se učit
Pol. zrujnować komuś karierę
set fire to sth
You can picture yourself crushing the bastard, trampling on him, ruining his life, wrecking his career, bringing his business to bankruptcy, or even setting fire to his house.
začněte se učit
Pol. podpalić coś
You really want to get your own back on that swine and turn his life into a nightmare.
začněte se učit
someone who behaves very rudely or unpleasantly, Pol. świnia
You really want to get your own back on that swine and turn his life into a nightmare.
začněte se učit
Pol. koszmar
drive sb to despair
If you manage to take your revenge on him and drive him to the depths of despair, you say it serves him right and justice has been done.
začněte se učit
Pol. doprowadzić kogoś do rozpaczy
it serves him right
If you manage to take your revenge on him and drive him to the depths of despair, you say it serves him right and justice has been done.
začněte se učit
Pol. dobrze mu tak
justice has been done
If you manage to take your revenge on him and drive him to the depths of despair, you say it serves him right and justice has been done.
začněte se učit
Pol. sprawiedliwości stało się zadość
Let the lout feel what it’s like, let him know how much it hurts.
začněte se učit
Pol. cham
be on the lookout for sth
You have to be on the lookout for possible attack.
začněte se učit
to continuously watch a place or pay attention in order to find sth you want or to be ready for problems or opportunities, Pol. mieć się na baczności
You have to keep your eyes open and be alert twenty-four seven.
začněte se učit
giving all your attention to what is happening, being said, Pol. czujny, uważny
You try to be understanding and forbearing.
začněte se učit
sympathetic and kind about other people's problems, Pol. wyrozumiały
You try to get rid of the negative emotions and begin to toy with the idea of a truce or reconciliation.
začněte se učit
an agreement between enemies to stop fighting or arguing for a short time, or the period for which this is arranged, Pol. rozejm, zawieszenie broni
You try to get rid of the negative emotions and begin to toy with the idea of a truce or reconciliation.
začněte se učit
Pol. pojednanie
meet sb halfway
Will your enemy be willing to meet you halfway at least?
začněte se učit
Pol. wyjść komuś naprzeciw
common ground
Is there any common ground between you and him?
začněte se učit
Pol. wspólna platforma, płaszczyzna
bury the hatchet
Does he also want to bury the hatchet?
začněte se učit
to agree to stop arguing about something and become friends, Pol. zakopać topór wojenny

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