2.2, 2.3 Recruitmen and selection, Motivation and job desing

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Shortlisting applications
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applications are sifted to identify those that meet requirements of the job description
to sift - to examine something very carefully in order to decide what is important or useful or to find something important
competency profiling
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matching skills and requirements against those needed for the positon
conditional offer
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job proposition no kurwa oferta warunkowa
np jak chcą jeszcze jakieś referencje czy coś
notice period
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amount of time employee has to work between resigning from a job
temporary contracts
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part time workers
factors that lead to satisfaction
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sense of achievment, recoginition of achievement, taking charge of siginificant projects, carrer development, job security
Factors that lead to dissatisfaction
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Company Policy "red rape", too much supervision - micro managed, low salary levels, hostile interpersonal relations with colleagues, bad working conditions
Hackman procedures that can lead to improvments
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Job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment
Job rotation/labour turnover
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moving people regularly between different sets of tasks
job enlargment
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giving an individual a larger number of broadly similar tasks
Job enrichment
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adding extra tasks that involve more decision - making, and increased autonomy
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being involved in decisions, instead of being told what to do
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Receiving an evaluation of your performance
Skill variety
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being allowed to solve problems and perform a wider range of non routine tasks
task identity
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for example, sewing entire dress would be more satisfying to a worker than just sewing buttons to it
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for example, constructing signs fot the olympic games will be more satisfying for a sports fan than making signs for new Shop
assessment centre
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is a process where candidates are examined to determine their suitability for specific types of employment
first stage interview

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