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doładowanie (tel. na kartę)
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to add more of something, especially money, to an existing amount to create the total you need. Students were able to take out loans to top up their grants. This is the easiest way to top up your mobile phone. top-up payments
nalewać coś, dolewać coś, uzupełniać coś
začněte se učit
top sth up
to put more drink into someone's glass or cup. He topped my glass up with wine. Your glass is nearly empty. Let me top you up. She's too sober, top her up!
gałąź (rzeki, drzewa, rodziny, nauki, przemyslu), rozgałęzić się, rozwidlać się
začněte se učit
This branch of the river eventually empties into the Atlantic. The bank has three branches in Norwich, and over three hundred countrywide. The road branches, so which way should we go?
na próżno, na darmo, na marne
začněte se učit
in vain
We tried to do this several times, but it was all in vain. I tried in vain to start a conversation. All the police's efforts to find him were in vain.
začněte se učit
She had broken the law unwittingly, but still she had broken it. She may have unwittingly misled voters.
niedbalstwo, niedopatrzenie, zaniedbanie
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The company was sued for gross negligence after the death of the two employees. He didn't clean the whole room due to his negligence.
zaniedbać, zapuścić (np. ogród, wygląd) zaniedbywać, lekceważyć (np. ważny probl
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to neglect your appearance/the house He neglects that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention. She's been neglecting her studies this semester.
zgodnie z prawem, w myśl przepisów prawa
začněte se učit
under the law
Because under the law, you cannot discriminate...
do czegoś (np. do trzech dni, do dwóch godzin)
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up to sth
Your package should arrive up to three days. There was a restaurant here up to 2005 but it closed that year. We were happy up until he cheated on me.
mimo (czegoś), pomimo (czemuś)
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Despite her troubles, she passed all exams. I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.
przystąpić, przystępować (np. do ataku), wszcząć (np. dochodzenie), podjąć (np. kroki, działania)
začněte se učit
Changes in the orientation program were instigated by the new director. The revolt in the north is believed to have been instigated by a high-ranking general.
podważać (np. autorytet), podkopywać (np. zaufanie do kogoś), nadszarpywać (np. zdrowie)
začněte se učit
He was punished because he undermined his teacher's authority.
zanieczyszczony, skażony
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contaminated with the infection was probably caused by swimming in water contaminated with sewage. contaminated water People need to stop drinking the contaminated water. The virus can be transmitted by food containing contaminated meat.
dziki, niebezpieczny, przerażający (np. o zwierzęciu) silny, srogi, nieprzyjemny, nieznośny (np. o krytyce)
začněte se učit
a ferocious dog, a ferocious battle, she's got a ferocious (= very bad) temper. The president came in for some ferocious criticism.
silny, wzburzony
začněte se učit
a raging toothache, a raging thirst, He's got a raging (= high) temperature. a raging bore

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