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I słusznie
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rightly so
He was lazy and he was fired... and rightly so.
cel łatwy do osiągnięcia
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long - hanging fruits
Sometimes low-hanging fruits are more beneficial.
Przestań prawić kazania
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Let’s skip the soapbox.
To będzie masakra!
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It's going to be a bloodbath.
ciężko pracować, urobić sobie ręce po łokcie
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work your fingers to the bone
wyjść na misto
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hit the town
w świetnym stanie
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in mint condition
świeżo upiecozny
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newly minted
rozchodzić coś np. złość
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to walk off sth
I'm going out to walki off this headache.
odwrócić sytuację na swoją korzyść
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odwrócić sytuację na swoją korzyść
The plaintiff's lawyer turned the tables this morning by producing some strong new evidence.
dość tego!
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cut it out!
zamartwiać się
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get hung up
Why are you so hung up on your work?
kończyć pracę
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to knock off
Wat time do you knock off on Tuesday?
strzelać w ciemno
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to take a shot in the dark
I didn't know the correct answer, so I took a shot in the dark and marked option B.
Mam pustkę w głowie!
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My mind is blank!
Ogarnij się!
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pull yourself together
grzebać np. w torebce
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She was rooting in her bag, trying to find the pill.
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It's not that she's infirm, she just needs more attention and care.
zupełnie różny
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poles apart
We are sisters, bur we are actually poles apart in personality so we don; t get along with each other.
nie do zmiany, ustalony na stałe
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set in stone
You know, the agenda has been planned ahead, but it is not set in stone so there may be some changes.
niech się dzieje co chce
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come what may
zostaw tak jak jest
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leave it at that
nie wtrącaj się
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stay out of it
słowo honoru
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cross my hearth
zbijać fortunę
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to be coinong it
He is absolutely coining it on the stock exchange.
trudno mi to określić
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I can't quite put my finger on it.
nie rozmawiajmy o tym
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Let's just drop it.
dotarło do ciebie?
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Do you copy?
Nie pojął tego.
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He didn't grasp it.
nigdy w życiu
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never gonna happen

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