21st July 2014

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
gabinet lekarski
začněte se učit
doctor's surgery
to be postponed
začněte se učit
The album stayed on the shelf for several years, until it was finally released.
to be postponed
začněte se učit
I have to put this matter on the shelf for a while
Not to be active socially
začněte se učit
I've been on the shelf long enough. I'm going to make some friends.
odtrącić kogoś
začněte se učit
to turn sb down
to deliberately avoid someone or something
začněte se učit
to shun sth / sb
a shy woman who shunned publicity. Victims of the disease found themselves shunned by society.
forced into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape.
začněte se učit
ciągnąć się
začněte se učit
to wear on
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ASAP /ei es ei pi/ AmE; ASAP /eisap/ BrE
popływać łodzią
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to go boating
Let's go boating on the lake.
rozstawić namiot
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to pitch a tent / to put up a tent
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sailboat AmE / sailing boat BrE
nurkowanie z akwalungiem
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scuba diving
szybowanie na spadochronie za motorówką
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łowić z kuszą (pod wodą)
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to go spearfishing
kusza / harpun
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otwarte opcje
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options open
raz dziewczynka raz chłopaczek
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Swings Both Ways
niedoświadczony, młody gej
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twinkie / twink (VS bear)
ona jest innej orientacji
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she plays for the other team
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queer /LGBT
zdolność do rozpoznawania osób o orientacji homoseksualnej
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lesbijka; offensive
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začněte se učit
iść do lekarza
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to go to the doctor / to the doctor's
jestem u lekarza
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I'm at the doctor's (office / surgery)
mieć temperaturę
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have a temperature also be running a temperature
limit czegoś
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There's no limit to what you can do if you try.
w sensie
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in the sense of
zdrowa równowaga
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a good balance
na mój wiek
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for my age
związek oparty na
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a relationship base on marriage
znana pod pseudonimem
začněte se učit
known by her stage name Tina Turner

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