22. Air passengers 'need 2in more legroom' to cut thrombosis risk

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a thick almost solid mass formed when blood or milk dries
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blood clot
the risk of developing deadly blood clots in cramped seat
a _____ room, building etc does not have enough space for the people in it
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the risk of developing deadly blood clots in cramped seat
a member of the British nobility; Pol. członek Izby Lordów
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more legroom to protect them from the risk of developing deadly blood clots in cramped seats, British peers have warned.
to make your body or part of your body stiff in order to prepare to do sth difficult
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aircraft seats did not provide enough room for taller passengers to adopt the "brace position" in an emergency.
not moving at all [= motionless]
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they have to sit immobile in cramped seats.
to strongly suggest that someone does something
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The committee urged the Government to scrap the higher rate of Air Passenger Duty levied on passengers using "premium economy" cabins
to decide not to use a plan or system because it is not practical
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The committee urged the Government to scrap the higher rate of Air Passenger Duty levied on passengers using "premium economy" cabins
Pol. cło, podatek
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The committee urged the Government to scrap the higher rate of Air Passenger Duty levied on passengers using "premium economy" cabins
Pol. nałoży, ściągać, pobierać podatek (od kogoś
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to levy a tax on sb
The committee urged the Government to scrap the higher rate of Air Passenger Duty levied on passengers using "premium economy" cabins
of very high quality
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The committee urged the Government to scrap the higher rate of Air Passenger Duty levied on passengers using "premium economy" cabins
_____ seats are better than economy seats
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premium economy
The committee urged the Government to scrap the higher rate of Air Passenger Duty levied on passengers using "premium economy" cabins
____ are higher than usual ones
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premium prices
Pol. stanowić zagrożenie
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to pose a threat
the tired and confused feeling that you can get after flying a very long distance, especially because of the difference in time between the places
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jet lag
a plane service that flies at the same time every day or every week
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scheduled flight
very low in price - often used in advertisements [= cheap
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a cheap flight
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budget flight
a company that moves goods or passengers from one place to another; Pol. przewoźnik
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Pol. pułap, rozstęp pomiędzy siedzeniami (w samolocie)
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seat pitch
Pol. z uwagi/przez wzgląd na bezpieczeństwo
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on safety grounds
"Current requirements are determined on safety grounds and not for health or comfort grounds."

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