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1. oblewać egzamin 2. oblewać studentów začněte se učit
I flunked math in second grade. She's flunked 13 of the 18 students.
1. uderzenie golf 2. cios 3. pojedynczy sukces 4. udar mózgu 5. seria uderzeń o wodę 6. styl pływacki 7. pociągnięcie pędzlem 8. pogłaskanie 9. głos wydawany przez zegar začněte se učit
What a beautiful stroke! His punishment was six strokes of the cane. Your idea was a stroke of genius. He swam with long powerful strokes. Butterfly is the only stroke I can't do. He gave the cat a stroke. to paint with fine brush strokes
1. głaskać 2. delikatne dotknięcie 3. uderzać začněte se učit
He's a beautiful dog. Can I stroke him? He stroked her hair affectionately. He stroked the teacher and silence fell on the class.
1. przekleństwo 2. klątwa 3. sth that causes harm or evil začněte se učit
The old witch put a curse on me. Her presence is a curse. the curse of drug addiction. Noise is a curse of modern city life. He muttered a curse at the other driver.
1. przeklinać 2. przeklinać kogoś, zaklinać magią začněte se učit
She cursed her bad luck. He cursed himself for his stupidity. Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch.
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1. oszust 2. zgięcie łokciowe 3. pastorał začněte se učit
Most of these politicians are just a bunch of crooks. The shepherd carried a long crook
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She winked and crooked a finger at him.
1. przekrzywiony, krzywy 2. dishonest začněte se učit
A crooked nose/smile. A village of crooked streets. All the officials are crooked.
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I feel a deep sense of gratitude to her. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work.
bezpodstawny, niepotrzebny np. przemoc, wandalizm, insult začněte se učit
gratuitous violence on television
1. of very high quality or great beauty (wzniosłość) 2. extreme - w sensie nie bycia świadomym začněte se učit
Sublime beauty. The location of the hotel is sublime. The sublime confidence of youth. He battled on, in the sublime conviction that he was in the right.
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He transforms the most ordinary subject into the sublime.
1. gromada, stado 2. grupa ludzi 3. grupa wiernych začněte se učit
He looks after a flock of 500 sheep. They came in flocks to see the procession.
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Thousands of people flocked to the beach this weekend.
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the deleterious effect of stress on health
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1. płomień 2. jasnoczerwony/pomarańczowy kolor 3. bardzo silne uczucie 4. bluzgi začněte se učit
A flame-red car. His childhood interest in the game had ignited a flame of passion for football. He wrote an awful flame. I will not respond to the flame in the e-mail he sent me. She has flame hair.
1. płonąć 2. zrobić się czerwonym 3. bluzgać - mail začněte se učit
Her cheeks flamed with rage. Relax, Peter, you're flaming. You can't flame in an e-mail to your boss!
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górska rzeka albo spieniona woda začněte se učit
stopka z nazwiskiem autora začněte se učit
1. grób, mogiła 2. a way of referring to death or a person’s death začněte se učit
Is there life beyond the grave? He followed her to the grave. British war graves in France and Belgium.
1. poważny - reason to feel worried 2. posępny začněte se učit
The police have expressed grave concern about the missing child's safety. We were in grave danger. He looked very grave as he entered the room.
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She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker.
1. nienawiść 2. a person or thing that you hate začněte se učit
Plastic flowers have always been a particular hate of mine.
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I don't understand how people can be so hateful to one another.