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otázka odpověď
We can distinguish some geometries
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Possiamo distinguere alcune geometrie
three eighths of an inch
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tre ottavi di pollice
the screen
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lo schermo
oil leak
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perdita d'olio
crooked rod
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asta storta
maintaining quality is very important
utrzymanie jakości
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mantenere la qualità è molto importante
I spent most of my time there
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Ho passato la maggior parte del mio tempo lì
the problem is related to
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il problema è legato a
wood burns easily
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il legno brucia facilmente
Damian Legno
percentage of reduction
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percentuale di riduzione
to include
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the flaring of the collar
rozszerzanie (formowanie)
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la svasatura del collarino
he goes to the office
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lui va in ufficio
To be or not to be: that is the question
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Essere o non essere: questo è il problema
here you are
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both ... and...
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sia... che...
sia i cani che i gatti sono animali domestici
I go to the supermarket because I have nothing to eat
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vado al supermercato perchè non ho nienta da mangiare
Let me start from the beginning
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Lasciate che cominci dall'inizio
your lessons are great
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le tue lezioni sono fantastiche
your students are wise
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i tuoi studenti sono saggi
how old is your dog?
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quanti anni ha il tuo cane?
a little note, your camera is off
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una piccola nota, la tua fotocamera è spenta
I really like his approach
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Mi piace molto il suo approccio
it is true?
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è vero?
in the second photo
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nella seconda foto
their work is very important
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il loro lavoro è molto importante
their office is on the first floor
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il loro ufficio è al primo piano
you already know
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lo sai già

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